Sunday, October 21, 2007

Seating Arrangement For Wedding To Be Framed

Liturgy of the XXIX Sunday ... Sunday in Ordinary Time

XXIX Sunday of Ordinary Time Year C

taken from the Missale Romanum in 1962 AD promulgatum
and second readings
Italian translation of the translation proposed by CEI

Sunday, October 21, 2007 twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost

Esth. 13, 9 and 10-11 - In your voluntáte,
Domine, universe pósita sunt,
et non est qui póssit resístere voluntáti tuæ:
tu enim fecísti ómnia, cælum et térram,
et univérsa quæ cæli ámbitu continéntur:
Dóminus universórum tu es.
Ps. 118, 1. Beáti immaculáti in via:
qui ámbulant in lege Dómini.
Glória Patri..
Esth. 13, 9 et 10-11 - In voluntáte tua

Famíliam tuam, quaésumus,
Dómine, contínua pietáte custódi:
ut a cunctis adversitátibus,
te protegénte, sit líbera;
et in bónis áctibus tuo nómini sit devota.
For Christum Dominum nostrum Iesum, Fílium
tuum, here Vivit et tecum regnat in
unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per omnia saecula

Lectio Epistolae B. Pauli Ap. Ephésios to 6, 10-17

Brothers, for the rest, be strong in the Lord and the strength of His power. The whole armor of God, to stand against the wiles of the devil. Our struggle is not against human flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Take therefore the armor of God so that you can withstand in the evil day, and remain standing after passing all tests. Stand therefore still, girded your loins with truth, and put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having as shoes for your feet zeal to spread the gospel of peace. Keep taking the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the fiery darts of the wicked take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God
M. - Deo Gratias.

GRADUAL Ps. 89, 1-2 - Domine, refugium factus es nobis
, a Generation et progeny.
Priúsquam fíerent montes,
aut formarétur land et orbis:
in saecula, et usque in saeculum tu es Deus.


Alleluia, alleluia.
Ps. 113, 1. In Exitu Israël de aegypti,
domus Jacob de Pópulo barbarian. Hallelujah.

Sequentia S. Evangelii secundum Matthaeum, 18, 23-35
At that time Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. When the reckoning began, they brought a man who owed him ten thousand talents. He had no money to return, the master ordered him to be sold with his wife, with their children and possessions, to settle the debt. So the servant fell down, and begged him: Lord, have patience with me and I will pay everything. Felt so sorry for the slave, the master let him go and forgave him the debt. Just out, the servant found another servant like him who owed him a hundred denarii, and seizing him, choked him and said: Pay what you owe! His fellow servant fell to the ground, pleading with him saying, Have patience with me and I will pay you. But he would not make it true, he went and put him in prison till he should pay the debt. Saw what had happened, the other servants were greatly distressed and went and told their master everything that had happened. Then the master summoned him and said: wicked servant, I have canceled all that debt because you begged me. Maybe you should not have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had pity on you? And in anger his master handed him over to the torturers until he should pay all his debt. So will my heavenly Father will do to each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart. "
M. - Laus tibi Christe.

Antiphon AD Offertorium
Job 1 - Vir erat in land Hus, appointments Job:
simplex et rectus, ac tímens Deum: Satan pétiit
quem, ut tentáret:
et data est potestas and a Dómino
in facultátes, et in carnem ejus:
perdidítque ómnem substántiam
ipsíus, et fílios: carnem quóque
ejus gravi úlcere vulnerávit.

Súscipe, Dómine, propítius hóstias:
quibus et te placári voluísti,
et nobis salútem poténti pietáte restítui.
Per Dóminum nostrum
Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum, qui
tecum vívit et regnat in unitáte
Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia
saécula saeculórum.



Ps. 118, 81, 84 et 86 - In salutári tuo ánima mea,
et in vérbum tuum sperávi:
quando fácies de persequéntibus me judícium?
iníqui persecúti sunt me, ádjuva me,
Dómine Deus meus.

Immortalitátis alimóniam
consecúti, quaésumus, Dómine:
ut, quod ore percépimus,
pura mente sectémur. Per Dóminum Iesum
Christum, Fílium tuum, qui tecum
vívit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus
Sancti, Deus, per ómnia saécula
M. Amen.

READINGS: Exodus 17, 8-13a Psalm 120, 2 Tim 3, 14 - 4, 2, Lk 18, 1-8

Gospel Lk 18, 1-8

God will do justice to his elect who cry to him.

From the Gospel according to Luke

At that time, Jesus told his disciples a parable about the need to pray always without ceasing: "There was a city a judge who neither feared God nor had respect for anyone. In that city there was a widow who kept coming to him and said: Give me justice against my adversary. For a time he would not, but then he said to himself: Although I do not fear God and I have no respect for anyone, because this widow is so annoying I'll righteousness, for they do not bother me to be continually '. And the Lord said: "Hear what the unjust judge says. And God will do justice to his elect who cry to him day and night, and make them long to wait? I tell you that will make them swift justice. But the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? ".

Blood Coming From Cat Abcess


All the Churches for all the world

Dear brothers and sisters,

at the next World Mission Day, I invite the entire People of God - Pastors, priests, religious and laity - to reflect together on the urgency and importance, even in our time, the Church's missionary work. Do not cease to ring out as a universal call and a heartfelt appeal, the words with which Jesus Christ, crucified and risen Christ, before ascending to heaven, the missionary mandate entrusted to the Apostles: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all I have commanded you. " And he added: "Here I am with you always, until the end of the world" (Mt 28:19-20). In the demanding work of evangelization we are sustained and accompanied by the certainty that He, the Lord of the harvest, is with us and continues to guide his people. And 'Christ is the inexhaustible source of the Church's mission. This year, a further reason impels us to renew our missionary commitment: it marks the 50th anniversary of the Servant of God Pius XII, Fidei donum, with which promoted and encouraged cooperation between Churches for the mission ad gentes.

"All the Churches for all the world": this is the theme chosen for the next World Mission Day. It invites the local Churches of every continent to a shared awareness of the urgent need to relaunch missionary activity to meet the many serious challenges of our time. Have of course changed the conditions in which humanity lives, and in recent decades a great effort was made to spread the Gospel, especially since the Second Vatican Council. However, much remains to be done to respond to the missionary that the Lord never tires of addressing to every baptized person. He continues to call, first, the so-called Churches of ancient tradition, which once provided the missions, as well as material resources, including un numero consistente di sacerdoti, religiosi, religiose e laici, dando vita a un’efficace cooperazione fra comunità cristiane. Da questa cooperazione sono scaturiti abbondanti frutti apostolici sia per le giovani Chiese in terra di missione, che per le realtà ecclesiali da cui provenivano i missionari. Dinanzi all’avanzata della cultura secolarizzata, che talora sembra penetrare sempre più nelle società occidentali, considerando inoltre la crisi della famiglia, la diminuzione delle vocazioni e il progressivo invecchiamento del clero, queste Chiese corrono il rischio di rinchiudersi in se stesse, di guardare con ridotta speranza al futuro e di rallentare il loro sforzo missionario. Ma è proprio questo il momento di aprirsi con fiducia the Providence of God, who never abandons his people and that, with the power of the Holy Spirit, guides them towards the fulfillment of his eternal design of salvation.

to dedicate themselves generously to the missio ad gentes the Good Shepherd also invites the recently evangelized Churches. Despite the many difficulties and obstacles in their development, these communities have been rising steadily. Some abundance of priests and consecrated persons, many of whom, although there are so many needs on the ground, are nevertheless sent to carry out their pastoral ministry and their apostolic service elsewhere, even in lands evangelized long ago. There is thus a providential "exchange of gifts" which will benefit the entire Mystical Body of Christ. I warmly hope that missionary cooperation will be intensified and the potential and charisms of each one. I also hope that World Mission Sunday help make us more aware of all the Christian communities and every baptized person who is the universal call of Christ to spread his Kingdom to the farthest corners of the planet. "The Church is missionary by nature - Pope John Paul II in the Encyclical Redemptoris missio - because the mandate of Christ is not something contingent or external, but reaches the heart of the Church. It follows that the universal Church and each individual Church is sent to the Gentiles. The same Younger churches should participate as soon as possible and in fact the universal mission of the Church, sending their own missionaries to preach the gospel throughout the world, even if they suffer from a shortage of clergy "(n. 61).

Fifty years after the historic appeal of my predecessor Pius XII with the Encyclical Fidei donum for cooperation between the Churches to serve the mission, I would like to reiterate that the proclamation of the Gospel continues to be timely and of ' urgency. The above-mentioned Encyclical Redemptoris Missio, Pope John Paul II, for his part, acknowledged that "the Church's mission is wider than the" communion between the Churches; it must also be oriented and primarily to missionary activity as such "(n. 65). The missionary, therefore, remains, as repeatedly stressed, the first service that the Church owes to humanity today to guide and evangelize the cultural, social and ethical to offer Christ's salvation to the people of our time, in many parts of the world are humiliated and oppressed by endemic poverty, violence and the systematic denial of human rights.

this universal mission, the Church can not escape, for her it has a binding force. Since Christ first entrusted to Peter and the Apostles, the missionary mandate, today it is primarily the responsibility the Successor of Peter whom divine Providence has chosen as the visible foundation of the Church, and Bishops directly responsible for the evangelization and as members of the Episcopal College and as Pastors of particular Churches (cf. Redemptoris Missio, 63). I therefore appeal to the pastors of all churches by the Lord to guide his flock, to share in the pressing and spreading the Gospel. It was this concern that push, fifty years ago, the Servant of God Pius XII to bring missionary cooperation more responsive to the needs of the times. Particular concern for the prospects of evangelization he asked the community evangelized long to send priests to support the recently founded Churches. Such a new life as a "missionary party" which, by the words of the first, took its name of "Fidei donum". He wrote: "Whereas on the one hand the countless multitudes of our children, especially in countries of ancient Christian tradition, participate in good faith, and the other the far more numerous throngs of those who are still waiting for the message of salvation , we feel the burning desire to exhort you, Venerable Brethren, to support with zealous interest the most holy cause of bringing the Church into the world. " And he added: "God grant that Following our appeal in the missionary spirit penetrates deeper into the heart of all the priests, and through their ministry on fire all the faithful "(AAS 1957 XLIX, 226).

We thank the Lord for the abundant fruits obtained by this missionary cooperation in Africa and other regions of the earth. Throngs of priests, after leaving their native communities, have devoted their apostolic energy to community service sometimes only recently come into areas of poverty in the developing world. Among them are many martyrs, the testimony of their words and apostolic dedication, have joined the sacrifice of life. Nor can we forget the many religious and lay volunteers who, together with the priests, spared no effort to spread the Gospel to the ends of the world. World Mission Day be an occasion to remember in prayer these brothers and sisters in the faith and those who continue to work in the vast missionary field. We ask God that their example may everywhere inspire new vocations and a renewed mission awareness in the Christian people. In fact, every Christian community is born missionary, and it is based on the courage to evangelize that measures the believers' love for their Lord. We could thus say that, for the individual faithful, it is not simply of collaborating in evangelizing, but to feel themselves actors and share responsibility for the Church's mission. This responsibility entails the growth of communion between the communities and increases the mutual help in relation to both the personnel (priests, religious and lay volunteers) and the use of the means necessary for evangelization today.

Dear brothers and sisters, the missionary mandate entrusted by Christ to the Apostles truly involves us all. The World Mission Day is therefore a favorable opportunity to acquire a deeper awareness and to work together appropriate spiritual and formative itineraries which encourage inter-Church cooperation and the preparation of new missionaries to spread the Gospel in our time. Do not forget however, that the first and priority contribution that we are called to offer the Church's missionary activity is prayer. "The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few - the Lord says -. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest "(Luke 10:2). "In the first place - he wrote fifty years ago, Pope Pius XII of venerable memory - Pray then, Venerable Brethren, to pray more. Remember the immense spiritual needs of so many people still so far from the true faith or who stand in such perseverance (cf. n.., P.. 240). And urged to increase the number of Masses offered for the missions, saying that "this answers the wishes of the Lord, who loves his Church and wishes to extend and thriving in every corner of the earth "(ibid., p.. 239).

Dear brothers and sisters, I renew this invitation as ever. Be extended in every community the choral invocation of the "Our Father in heaven", so that his kingdom on earth. I appeal especially to children and young people, always ready for generous missionary. I address the sick and the suffering, recalling the value of their mysterious and indispensable collaboration in the work of salvation. I ask the consecrated people, especially those in cloistered monasteries, to intensify their prayers for the missions. Thanks to of every believer, is being extended throughout the Church the spiritual network of prayer and support for evangelization. The Virgin Mary, who accompanied with motherly solicitude the nascent Church, guide our footsteps in our time and we get a new Pentecost of love. Make us, in particular, aware of all missionaries, called by the Lord to be His witnesses in every moment of our existence. Priests "Fidei donum", religious, women religious and lay volunteers working on the frontiers of evangelization as well as those who in various ways are dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel promise to remember you in my prayers daily, and impart love to all my Apostolic Blessing.

From the Vatican, May 27, 2007, Solemnity of Pentecost.


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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Automatic Refresh In Business Objects

The Appointments of



The Holy Father has appointed Ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences Prof. Luis Ernesto Derbez Bautista, President of the Center for Globalization and Democracy Technological Institute of Monterrey (Mexico City).
Prof. Luis Ernesto Derbez Bautista.
Prof. Luis Ernesto Derbez Bautista was born in Mexico on 1 April 1947, he graduated from the University Autonomous of San Luis Potosi and earned his PhD at the University of Oregon and Iowa State University (USA) . He began his career as an economist at the World Bank, IBRD, where he was responsible for several regional areas. He was then an independent consultant for the World Bank itself, at the office of Mexico, and the Inter-American Devta. Bank in Washington.
In 2000 he was appointed Director of Economics and Coordinator of Economic Affairs of the President-elect of Mexico. In 2003 he was elected Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs and, in this position, he has inspired and promoted the two meetings held in Mexico in collaboration with the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences on "Globalization and International Justice" (2004) and "International Migration" (2006).
Prof. Derbez has taught at various institutes and universities of Mexico and the USA and has been Vice-Chancellor of the University of the Americas, Cholula (Puebla), Mexico. He is currently President of the Center for Globalization and Democracy Technological Institute of Monterrey (Mexico City).


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Russian Poem To Mother

The Holy Father Benedict XVI's Wednesday Audience

Audience of 17 October 2007

Cari fratelli e sorelle, questa mattina vi invito a riflettere su sant’Eusebio di Vercelli, il primo Vescovo dell’Italia settentrionale di cui abbiamo notizie sicure. Nato in Sardegna all’inizio del IV secolo, ancora in tenera età si trasferì a Roma con la sua famiglia. Più tardi venne istituito lettore: entrò così a far parte del clero dell’Urbe, in un tempo in cui la Chiesa era gravemente provata dall’eresia ariana. La grande stima che crebbe attorno a Eusebio spiega la sua elezione nel 345 alla cattedra episcopale di Vercelli. Il nuovo Vescovo iniziò subito un’intensa opera di evangelizzazione in un territorio ancora in gran parte pagano, specialmente nelle zone rurali. Ispirato da sant’Atanasio - Who wrote the Life of Saint Anthony, founder of monasticism in the East - founded in Vercelli, a priestly community, similar to a monastic community. This monastery gave to the clergy of northern Italy a significant stamp of apostolic sanctity, and caused major figures of bishops, as Limena and Onorato, the successors of Eusebius of Vercelli, Novara Gaudenzio, Esuperanzio in Tortona, Eustathius in Aosta, Eulogio Ivrea, Massimo in Turin, all venerated by the Church as santi.Solidamente formed in the Nicene faith, Eusebius defended with all his strength the full divinity of Jesus Christ, as defined by the Nicene Creed "one in being" the Father. To this end he allied himself with the great Fathers of the fourth century - especially with St. Athanasius, bishop of Nicene orthodoxy - filoariana policy against the Emperor. For the emperor the simpler Arian faith seemed more useful politically as an ideology of empire. For him the truth did not matter, but the political opportunity: he wanted to exploit religion as a bond of unity of the empire. But these great fathers resisted defending the truth against the domination of politics. For this reason, Eusebius was condemned to exile like so many other Bishops of the East and West: the same as Athanasius, Hilary of Poitiers as - we spoke last time - as Osio de Córdoba. A Scythopolis in Palestine, where he was confined between 355 and 360, Eusebius wrote a wonderful page of his life. Here, too, founded a monastery with a small group of disciples, and from there took care of the correspondence with his followers in Piedmont, as shown above the second of three letters Eusebian recognized as authentic. Then, after the 360, was exiled to Cappadocia and in the Thebaid where he underwent severe physical abuse. In 361, Constantius II died, succeeded by the Emperor Julian, called the Apostate, who was not interested in Christianity as the religion of the empire, but simply wanted to restore paganism. He ended the exile of bishops and allowed these so also Eusebius to repossess his home. In 362 he was invited to participate by Anastasius the Council of Alexandria, who decided to pardon Arian bishops provided they returned to the lay state. Eusebius was able to exercise for another ten years until his death, the episcopal ministry, realizing with his city an exemplary relationship, he never failed to inspire the pastoral service of other bishops of northern Italy, which we will in the next catechesis, as St. Ambrose of Milan and St. Maximus of Torino.Il relationship between the Bishop of Vercelli and his city is lit primarily from two witnesses letters. The first is in the letter cited above, that Eusebius wrote from exile in Scythopolis "dear brothers and priests to long for, and the holy people in the faith of Vercelli, Novara, Ivrea and Tortona" (Ep. secunda, CCL 9, p. 104). These initial expressions which indicate that the emotion of the Good Shepherd in front of his flock, are widely reflected at the end of the letter in his father's warmest greetings to each and every one of his sons in Vercelli, overflowing with expressions of affection and amore.E 'to note first of all express the relationship that binds to the Bishop sanctae plebes not only Vercellae / Vercelli - the first and, for some years, the only diocese in the Piedmont - but also of Novara / Novara, Eporedia / Ivrea Dertona / Tortona that is, those Christian communities within the same diocese had reached a certain consistency and autonomy. Another interesting element is provided by the parting which concludes the letter: Eusebius asks his sons and his daughters to say goodbye "even those who are outside the Church, and deign to entertain feelings of love for us: etiam hos here Foris dignantur diligere sunt et nos. " A clear sign that the relationship between the Bishop and his city was not limited to the Christian population, but also extended to those who - outside the Church - I somehow recognized the spiritual authority and loved this man second esemplare.La testimony to the unique relationship the Bishop with his city comes from the letter that St. Ambrose of Milan wrote to Vercellesi around 394, more than twenty years after the death of Eusebius (Ep. extra collectionem 14: Maur. 63). The Church of Vercelli was going through a difficult time: it was divided and without a shepherd. Ambrose said frankly to hesitate to recognize in those Vercellesi "the descent of the holy fathers, who approved of Eusebius as soon as they saw, without having met him before then, forgetting even their fellow citizens." In the same letter, the bishop of Milan as clearly attests to his esteem of Eusebius: "Such a great man," he writes in a peremptory manner, "well deserved to be elected by the whole Church. "Ambrose's admiration for Eusebius was based on the fact that the Bishop of Vercelli ruled the diocese with the testimony of his life:" With the austerity of fasting ruled his Church. "In fact, even Ambrose was fascinated - as he himself admits - by the monastic contemplation of God, which Eusebius had pursued the footsteps of the prophet Elijah. First - notes Ambrose - Bishop of Vercelli gathered his clergy communis in life and raised him to the ' observance of monastic rules, despite living in the middle of the city. "The bishop and his clergy had to share the problems of citizens, and they did so at the same time cultivating their own credibility una cittadinanza diversa, quella del Cielo (cfr Eb 13,14). E così hanno realmente costruito una vera cittadinanza, una vera solidarietà comune tra i cittadini di Vercelli.Così Eusebio, mentre faceva sua la causa della sancta plebs di Vercelli, viveva in mezzo alla città come un monaco, aprendo la città verso Dio. Questo tratto, quindi, nulla tolse al suo esemplare dinamismo pastorale. Sembra fra l'altro che egli abbia istituito a Vercelli le pievi per un servizio ecclesiale ordinato e stabile, e che abbia promosso i santuari mariani per la conversione delle popolazioni rurali pagane. Piuttosto, questo "tratto monastico" conferiva una dimensione peculiare al rapporto del Vescovo con la sua città. Come già gli apostoli, per i quali Gesù pregava nella sua Ultima Cena, i Pastori e i fedeli della Chiesa "sono nel mondo" (Gv 17,11), ma non sono "del mondo". Perciò i pastori - ricordava Eusebio - devono esortare i fedeli a non considerare le città del mondo come la loro dimora stabile, ma a cercare la Città futura, la definitiva Gerusalemme del cielo. Questa "riserva escatologica" consente ai pastori e ai fedeli di salvare la scala giusta dei valori, senza mai piegarsi alle mode del momento e alle pretese ingiuste del potere politico in carica. La scala autentica dei valori – sembra dire la vita intera di Eusebio – non viene dagli imperatori di ieri e di oggi, ma viene da Gesù Cristo, l’Uomo perfetto, uguale al Padre nella divinità, yet a man like us. Referring to this scale of values, Eusebius never tires to "recommend strongly" on his followers to "keep the faith with care, to maintain harmony, to be assiduous in prayer" (Ep. secunda, cited).. Dear Friends, I urge you with all my heart these perennial values, and I greet and bless you with the same words with which the holy Bishop Eusebius concluded his second letter: "I address you, my holy brothers and sisters , sons and daughters, faithful of both sexes and all ages, and I urge ... to bring our greetings also to those who are outside the Church, and deign to entertain feelings of love for us "(ibid.).

[01438-01.01] [Original text: Italian] I extend a cordial welcome to the Italian-speaking pilgrims. In particular, I greet the members of the Militia of the Immaculate Conception founded ninety years ago by St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe, and encourage them to continue with renewed apostolic zeal in their service to the Gospel and the Church. I greet the delegates to the Chapter of the Roman Union of the Order of St. Ursula and assure you of my prayer so that the whole institute is increasingly motivated by the love of God according to the charism of their founder St. Angela Merici. Next I greet the women religious who take part in the International Seminar sponsored USMI on the theme of "Human Trafficking", and I hope that this meeting rafforzi in tutti la coscienza del valore sacro della vita umana. Saluto con affetto i fedeli, accompagnati dall’Arcivescovo di Lecce Mons. Francesco Ruppi e da altri Presuli, che prendono parte al pellegrinaggio promosso dalle Suore Salesiane dei Sacri Cuori ad un anno dalla canonizzazione di san Filippo Smaldone, apostolo dei sordomuti. Cari amici, vi invito tutti, clero, religiose e fedeli laici a imitare la sua esemplare testimonianza e a seguire fedelmente lo spirito di carità verso i più bisognosi.Rivolgo, infine, il mio pensiero ai malati, agli sposi novelli e ai giovani, specialmente ai ragazzi del dopo-Cresima della Diocesi di Faenza-Modigliana e agli alunni della Fondazione Sacro Cuore di Cesena. Cari amici, il mese di ottobre ci invita a rinnovare our active cooperation in the mission of the Church. Therefore put at the service of the Gospel, you young people the fresh energies of youth, you sick the power of prayer and suffering, you newlyweds the potential of marriage to offer concrete support to the missionaries who bear the Christian message in the frontiers of evangelization . [01448-01.01] [Original text: Italian] CALL OF THE HOLY FATHER Today we celebrate the World Day to Overcome Extreme Poverty, recognized by the United Nations under the title of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. How many people still live in abject poverty! The disparity between rich and poor has become more evident and disturbing, even within the most economically advanced nations. This situation is worrying the conscience of humanity, since the conditions in which a great number of people are likely to offend the dignity of human beings and to compromise, therefore, the authentic and harmonious progress of the world community. Therefore encourage you to redouble efforts to eliminate the causes of poverty and the tragic consequences. [01449-01.01] [Original text: Italian]

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Example Of Letter For Disconnection Of Telephone

The appointment of the Holy Father Pope index


The Holy Father appointed Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Curitiba (Brazil) Father João Carlos Senem, CSS, until now Provincial Superior of the Province of Santa Cruz Stigmatine Fathers, assigning him the titular bishop of Albule. Father João Carlos Senem, CSS The Father João Carlos Senem, CSS, was born on December 11, 1958 in the city of Gertrudes, in the State of São Paulo, Piracicaba diocese. Member of the Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Stigmatines), has made her religious profession 23 January 1982. He studied philosophy and theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, where he earned also a Bachelor of Foreign Languages.
On 15 December 1985 he was ordained a priest and performed the following activities: vicar (1985-1987), Master of Novices in Uberaba (1988-1995), Head of the International Community of Students Stigmatines in Rome (1996-2000); Councilor and Secretary General of the Congregation of the Fathers Stigmatines in Rome (2000-2006), from 2006, Provincial Superior of the Province of Santa Cruz (southern Brazil), based in Campinas, the religious of this province also perform missionary activity in northeast Brazil, Chile and Uruguay.

Squaw Valley Vs Kirkwood

a consistory

I now have the joy to announce that on 24 November, the eve of the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, I will hold a consistory in which, departing from one unit to the numerical limit established by Pope Paul VI, confirmed by my venerable Predecessor John Paul II in the Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis (cf. n. 33), will appoint eighteen cardinals. Here are their names:

1. Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, Prefect of the Congregation for Eastern Churches;
2. Archbishop John Patrick Foley, Pro-Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
3. Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo, President of the Pontifical Commission and of the Governorate State of Vatican City;
4. Archbishop Paul Joseph Cordes, president of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum";
5. Archbishop Angelo Comastri, Archpriest of the Vatican Basilica, Vicar General for Vatican City State and President of the Fabbrica di San Pietro;
6. Archbishop Stanislaw Rylko, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity;
7. Archbishop Raffaele Farina, archivist and librarian of the SRC;
8. Archbishop Agustín García-Gasco Vicente, archbishop of Valencia (Spain);
9. Archbishop Seán Baptist Brady, Archbishop of Armagh (Ireland);
10. Archbishop Lluís Martínez Sistach, Archbishop of Barcelona (Spain);
11. Archbishop André Vingt-Trois, Archbishop of Paris (France);
12. Archbishop Angelo Bagnasco, Archbishop of Genoa (Italy);
13. Archbishop Théodore-Adrien Sarr, Archbishop of Dakar (Senegal);
14. Archbishop Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay (India);
15. Archbishop Francisco Robles Ortega, Archbishop of Monterrey (Mexico);
16. Archbishop Daniel N. DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston (USA);
17. Odilio Archbishop Pedro Scherer, archbishop of São Paulo (Brazil);
18. Bishop John Njue, Archbishop of Nairobi (Kenya).
would also raise to the dignity of Cardinal three venerable prelates and two worthy clergymen, particularly worthy of mention for their dedicated service to the Church:
1. SB Emmanuel III Delly, Patriarca di Babilonia dei Caldei;
2. Mons. Giovanni Coppa, Nunzio Apostolico;
3. Mons. Estanislao Esteban Karlic, Arcivescovo emerito di Paraná (Argentina);
4. P. Urbano Navarrete, S.I., già Rettore della Pontificia Università Gregoriana; e
5. P. Umberto Betti, O.F.M., già Rettore della Pontificia Università Lateranense.
* * *
Tra questi ultimi era stato mio desiderio elevare alla porpora anche l’anziano Vescovo Ignacy Jeż, di Koszalin-Kołobrzeg, in Polonia, benemerito Presule, che ieri è improvvisamente mancato.
A lui va la nostra preghiera di suffragio.
* * *
I nuovi Porporati provengono da varie parti del mondo. They fully reflect the universality of the Church with the multiplicity of her ministries: Prelates close to the meritorious service rendered to the Holy See are pastors who spend their energies to direct contact with the faithful.
Other people there are, very dear to me, and for their dedication to serving the Church well deserve to be elevated to the dignity of Cardinal. I hope to have the opportunity to testify in the future, even so, to them and the countries they belong to my respect and my affection.

entrust the newly elected to the protection of Mary, asking her to assist them in their duties, that they may bear courageous witness in all circumstances their love for Christ and the Church.
[01452-01.01] [Original text: Italian]

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

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Rosary Prayer of Mary

Fifth Joyful Mystery
Jesus is found in the temple

His parents went every year to Jerusalem for the feast of Easter. When he was twelve years old, they went up according to custom, but the days of the feast were over and the way back, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem without his parents knowing it. Believing in the caravan, they went a day's journey, and then began to look for him among their relatives and friends, not finding him, they came looking for him in Jerusalem. After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard him were astounded at his intelligence and his answers.

Oh Mary, cry because you lost your son for a few days. He has moved away from your eyes but not from your heart, do you see that the pure love of which you are inflamed by him, keeps closely united to you? Know that he who loves God can not be loved by God, who said: I love those who love me, and through the lips of St. John: He who abides in love abides in me and I in him. You fear then? Why are you crying? Let the tears for me, that so many times I lost God because of me, kicked out of my soul! Ah! My Jesus, how could I take offense intentionally, knowing that I forgive sin? We do not want a heart that seeks despair, but rather rejoice that ...(...) Oh Mary with St. Bonaventure say: "I hope in you, my sovereign, I will not be confused forever." St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, Incarnation, birth and infancy of Jesus Christ

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The Pope in Naples


Domenica, 21 ottobre 2007

08.15 Partenza in elicottero dall'eliporto vaticano per Napoli.

09.15 Arrivo sul piazzale della Stazione Marittima nel Porto di Napoli.
Trasferimento in auto panoramica a Piazza del Plebiscito.

09.45 Arrivo in Piazza del Plebiscito.

10.00 CONCELEBRAZIONE EUCARISTICA in Piazza del Plebiscito a Napoli. Omelia del Santo Padre. RECITA DELL’ANGELUS DOMINI. Parole del Santo Padre.

12.15 Trasferimento in auto panoramica da Piazza del Plebiscito al Seminario arcivescovile a Capodimonte.

13.00 MEETING WITH THE HEADS OF THE DELEGATIONS PARTICIPATING IN THE MEETING FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE in the Great Hall of the Archbishop's Seminary at Capodimonte. I greet the Holy Father.

13.30 Lunch with the Cardinals, the Bishops of Campania, the participants in the International Meeting for Peace and the papal entourage at the archdiocesan seminary Capodimonte.

16:00 Transfer by car from the archdiocesan seminary of Capodimonte in Naples Cathedral.

16:30 adore the Blessed Sacrament and veneration of the relics of San Gennaro on Chapel of San Gennaro of Naples Cathedral.

17.00 Transfer by car from the Duomo to the Railway Station Square Marittima nel Porto di Napoli.

17.30 Partenza in elicottero per il Vaticano.

18.30 Arrivo all’eliporto vaticano.

[01437-01.01] [Testo originale: Italiano]

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The appointment of the Holy Father the Pope's Angelus

Il Santo Padre ha nominato Membri del Pontificio Consiglio per la Promozione dell’Unità dei Cristiani l’ Card. Jean-Louis Tauran, Presidente del Pontificio Consiglio per il Dialogo Interreligioso, e l’ Mons. Leonardo Sandri, Arcivescovo tit. di Cittanova, Prefect of the Congregation for Oriental Churches.
N little man Consultor of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum"
The Pope has appointed Consultants of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum" His Exc. Mo Mons Douglas Young (Papua New Guinea), the priest Manfred Ertl (Germany) and the illustrious Mr. Agea Silverio Rodríguez (Spain) and Ms Henrietta de Villa Tambunting (Philippines).

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Piazza San PietroDomenica, October 14, 2007

Dear brothers and sisters! The Gospel of
this Sunday presents Jesus healing ten lepers, of whom only one, a Samaritan, and therefore foreign, returns to thank him (cf. Lk 17, 11-19). To him, the Lord says, "Get up and go ', your faith has saved you!" (Lk 17, 19). This Gospel invites us to a double reflection. First suggests two levels of healing: one, more superficial, involving the body, the other, deeper, touching the heart of each person, what the Bible calls the "heart", and from there it radiates to the whole 'existence. The healing is complete and radical "salvation." The same common language, a distinction between "health" and "salvation", helps us to understand that salvation is far more of health: is in fact a new life, full and definitive. Moreover, Jesus here, as in other circumstances, say the words: "Your faith has saved you." It is faith that saves man, restoring his deep relationship with God, with himself and with others, and faith is expressed in gratitude. Those who, like the healed Samaritan, knows how to thank, is shown not to consider everything as it should, but as a gift, even when the men came in the form or nature, ultimately comes from God Faith then leads to the open man grace of the Lord, recognizing that all is gift, all is grace. What a treasure is hidden in a little word: "Thank you!
Jesus healed ten lepers, infirmity then considered a "contagious impurity" that required a ritual purification (cf. Lv 14, 1-37). In truth, the leprosy that really deforms man and society is sin is pride and egoism that generate in the human indifference, hatred and violence. This leprosy of the spirit, which disfigures the face of humanity, no one can heal, but God who is Love. Opening our hearts to God, the person who converts is healed inwardly evil.
"Repent and believe the Gospel" (Mk 1, 15). Jesus said beginning his public life with this invitation, which continues to resound in the Church, so that even the Blessed Virgin in her apparitions, especially in recent times, he even repeated this call. Today, we think especially in Fatima where, precisely 90 years ago, from 13 May to 13 October 1917, the Virgin appeared to three shepherd children Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco. Thanks to radio and television coverage, I would be spiritually present at this Marian Shrine, where Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State, presided in my name at the concluding celebrations of this significant anniversary. I cordially greet him, the Cardinals and Bishops present, the priests who work in the shrine and the pilgrims come from all over the world for the occasion. Madonna to ask for all Christians the gift of true conversion, to be proclaimed and witnessed con coerenza and Fedeltà il messaggio perenne evangelical, che la route indicates all'umanità dell'autentica pace. Dopo l'Angelus
: This
my blessing to all who pray the Angelus prayer with me - physically present or linked by the media - I willingly extend to people gathered at the shrine of Fatima in Portugal. There, from ninety years ago, continue to echo the calls of the Virgin Mother who calls his children to live their baptismal consecration in every moment of existence. Everything becomes possible and easy living that delivery to Mary by Jesus Himself on the cross when he said: "Woman, eis o teu filho!». Ela é o refúgio e o caminho que conduz a Deus. Sinal palpável desta entrega é a reza diária do terço. Enquanto saúdo o Senhor Cardeal Legado Tarcisio Bertone, o Senhor Bispo de Leiria-Fátima e todo o Episcopado Português, bem como os demais Bispos presentes e cada um dos peregrinos de Fátima, a todos exorto a renovarem pessoalmente a própria consagração ao Imaculado Coração de Maria e a viverem este acto de culto com uma vida cada vez mais conforme à Vontade divina e em espírito de serviço filial e devota imitação da sua celeste Rainha. Nunca esqueçais o Papa!
Traduzione in italiano:
[Questa mia Benedizione per quanti recitano con me the Angelus prayer - here or joined through the media - willingly extend to the people gathered at the shrine of Fatima, Portugal. There, ninety years, continue to echo the calls of the Virgin Mother who calls his children to live their baptismal consecration in every moment of existence. Everything becomes possible and easier living that gift of self to Mary that Jesus himself on the cross, when he said: "Woman, behold your son." You are the refuge and the path that leads to God tangible sign of this gift of self is the daily recitation of the rosary. As I greet Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone Legate, the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima and all the Bishops Portoghese, e anche gli altri Vescovi presenti e tutti i pellegrini di Fatima, esorto tutti a rinnovare personalmente la propria consacrazione all'Immacolato Cuore di Maria e a vivere questo atto di culto con una vita sempre più conforme alla Volontà divina e in spirito di servizio filiale e devota imitazione della sua celeste Regina. Non dimenticate mai il Papa!]
Je salue cordialement les pèlerins de langue française présents à cette prière mariale, en particulier les membres de la Famille missionnaire de Notre-Dame. Comme le souligne la liturgie de ce dimanche, Jésus manifeste la volonté de salut de Dieu en nous guérissant de toutes nos misères, de notre péché. N’oublions jamais de revenir vers lui et de notre action de lui Exprime Grâces pour les merveilles qu'il ne Cesse d'accomplir en nous. Que Dieu vous bénisse!
I warmly welcome the English-speaking visitors present at this Angelus. In today's Gospel our Lord takes pity on the lepers, cleansing them of their infirmities and reminding us all of his desire to heal those who suffer. During your time in Rome may God bless you with the saving power of his peace and love.
I am pleased to welcome all German-speaking pilgrims and visitors welcome. I particularly welcome today the musicians, sponsors and guests of the International Festival of Sacred Music and Art Foundation Pro, the Choral Society Pörtner from the Westerwald and the singing circle Bad Hofgastein. Im Tagesgebet dieses Sonntags bitten wir Gott um seine Gnade, damit wir sein Wort im Herzen bewahren und immer bereit sind, das Gute zu tun. Die selige Jungfrau Maria sei uns dabei Vorbild und Helferin. - Der Herr segne euch und eure Familien!
Saludo cordialmente a los peregrinos de lengua española que participan en esta oración mariana, especialmente al grupo de la Parroquia San Felipe Neri, de Orizaba, México. Que el gozo por la salvación, que el Señor ha traído al mundo, inunde los corazones y los hogares y nos lleve a darle gracias incesantemente por este don inigualable. Feliz domingo.
Srdečne pozdravujem pútnikov zo Slovenska, osobitne z farnosti svätého Michala v Naháči. Bratia a sestry, Praja vám v Rime požehnaný stay. S láskou zehn vas a vase rodiny. Pochválený Buď Ježiš Kristus!
[Saluto cordialmente and Pellegrini provenienti dalla Slovacchia, dalla Parrocchia particolarmente di San Michele a Naháč. Fratelli e Sorelle, vi auguro un buon soggiorno a Roma. Con affetto benedico voi e le vostre famiglia. Sia Lodato Gesù Cristo!]
Yours Poles. Today the Church in Poland celebrates' Pope Day. "This is a special time of prayer for the beatification of the Servant of God John Paul II, reflect on their teaching and making works of mercy as his incentive. Spiritually turn się w you inicjatywę the serdecznie wszystkim błogosławię.
[greet the Poles. Today the Church in Poland celebrates' Pope Day. " It 's a special time of prayer for the beatification of the Servant of God John Paul II, to reflect on her teaching and charitable action in its solicitation. Spiritually, I endorse this initiative and heart bless you all.]
continue to arrive daily news from Iraq of serious attacks and violence, which shake the conscience of those who care about the good of the country and peace in the region. Among these, I learn today the news of the kidnapping of two good priests of the Archdiocese Syrian Catholic Archbishop of Mosul, threatened with death. I appeal to the kidnappers for release immediately the two men and, once again reiterate that violence does not resolve the tensions, I offer a heartfelt prayer to the Lord for their release, for those who suffer violence and for peace.
finally extend a cordial greeting to the Italian-speaking pilgrims, especially the large group came from Desio the 150th birth anniversary of Pope Pius XI. I also greet the faithful of Lamezia Terme, Padova and Altamura, as well as musicians and flag bearers of the Association Floridia. I wish everyone a happy Sunday.

© Copyright 2007 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Corporate Anniversary Theam

Liturgy Sunday XXVIII Sunday in Ordinary Time ... The Pope's words

XXVIII Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

taken from the Missale Romanum in 1962 AD promulgatum
and second readings
Italian translation of the translation proposed by CEI
Sunday, October 14, 2007
XX Sunday after Pentecost

taken from the Missale Romanum in 1962 AD promulgatum
and Italian translation of the second reading
the translation proposed by CEI


Dan. 3, 31, 29 et 35 -
Fecisti Omnia quae nobis, Domine, in true
Fecisti judice, quia peccávimus tibi,
et mandátis tuis non obedívimus:
sed da glóriam nómini tuo, et fac
nobíscum secúndum multitúdinem
misericórdiae tuae.
Ps. 118, 1 - Beáti immaculáti in
via: qui ámbulant in lege Dómini.
Glória Patri…
Dan. 3, 31, 29 et 35 - Omnia quae
fecístis nobis,…

Largíre, quaésumus, Dómine,
fidélibus tuis indulgéntiam placátus
et pacem: ut páriter ab ómnibus
mundéntur offénsis, et secúra tibi
mente desérviant. Per Dóminum
nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium
tuum, qui tecum vívit et regnat in
unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per
ómnia saécula saeculórum.
M. - Amen.

Léctio Epístolae B. Pauli Ap. ad Ephésios, 5, 15-21

Fratelli: vigilate dunque attentamente sulla vostra condotta, comportandovi non da stolti, ma da uomini saggi; profittando del tempo presente, perché i giorni sono cattivi. Non siate perciò inconsiderati, ma sappiate comprendere la volontà di Dio. E non ubriacatevi di vino, il quale porta alla sfrenatezza, ma siate ricolmi dello Spirito, intrattenendovi a vicenda con salmi, inni, cantici spirituali, cantando e inneggiando al Signore con tutto il vostro cuore, rendendo continuamente grazie per ogni cosa a Dio Padre, nel nome del Signore nostro Gesù Cristo. Siate sottomessi gli uni agli altri nel timore di Cristo.
M. - Deo grátias.

Ps. 144, 15-16 - Oculi ómnium in
te spérant, Dómine: et tu das illis
escam in tempore opportúno.
Aperis tu manum tuam: et imples
omne ánimal benedictióne.

Allelúia, allelúia.
Ps. 107, 2 - Parátum cor meum,
Deus, parátum cor meum:
cantábo, et psallam tibi, glória
mea. Allelúia.

Sequéntia S. Evangélii secundum Ioánnem, 4, 46-53

In quel tempo Gesù andò di nuovo a Cana di Galilea, dove aveva cambiato l'acqua in vino. Vi era un funzionario del re, che aveva un figlio malato a Cafarnao. Costui, udito che Gesù era venuto dalla Giudea in Galilea, si recò da lui e lo pregò di scendere a guarire suo figlio poiché stava per morire. Gesù gli disse: "Se non vedete segni e prodigi, voi non credete". Ma il funzionario del re insistette: "Signore, scendi prima che il mio bambino muoia". Gesù gli risponde: "Và, tuo figlio vive". Quell'uomo credette alla parola che gli aveva detto Gesù e si mise in cammino. Proprio mentre scendeva, gli vennero incontro i servi a dirgli: "Tuo figlio vive!". S'informò poi a che ora avesse cominciato a star meglio. Gli dissero: "Ieri, un'ora dopo mezzogiorno la febbre lo ha lasciato". Il padre riconobbe che proprio in quell'ora Gesù gli aveva detto: "Tuo figlio vive" e credette lui con tutta la sua famiglia.
M. - Laus tibi Christe.


Ps. 136, 1 - Super flúmina
Babylónis illic sédimus, et
flévimus: dum recordarémur tui,

Coeléstem nobis praébeant haec
mystéria, quaésumus, Dómine,
medicínam: et vítia nostri cordis
expúrgent. Per Dóminum nostrum
Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum, qui
tecum vívit et regnat in unitáte
Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia
saécula saeculórum.
M. - Amen.


Ps. 118, 49-50 - Meménto verbi tui
servo tuo, Dómine, in quo mihi
spem dedísti: haec me consoláta
est in humilitáte mea.

Ut sacris, Dómine, reddámur digni
munéribus: fac nos, quaésumus, tuis
semper obedíre mandátis. Per
Dóminum nostrum Iesum
Christum, Fílium tuum, qui tecum
vívit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus
Sancti, Deus, per ómnia saécula
M. Amen.
LETTURE : 2 Re 5, 14-17; Sal 97; 2 Tm 2, 8-13; Lc 17, 11-19
Vangelo Lc 17, 11-19
Non si è trovato chi tornasse a rendere gloria a Dio all'infuori di questo straniero.
Dal vangelo secondo Luca
Durante il viaggio verso Gerusalemme, Gesù attraversò la Samaria e la Galilea. Entrando in un villaggio, gli vennero incontro dieci lebbrosi i quali, fermatisi a distanza, alzarono la voce, dicendo: «Gesù maestro, abbi pietà di noi!». Appena li vide, Gesù disse: «Andate a presentarvi ai sacerdoti». E mentre essi andavano, furono sanati. Uno di loro, vedendosi guarito, tornò indietro lodando Dio a gran voce; e si gettò ai piedi di Gesù per ringraziarlo. Era un Samaritano. Ma Gesù osservò: «Non sono stati guariti tutti e dieci? E gli altri nove dove sono? Non si è trovato chi tornasse a render gloria to God except this foreigner? ". And he said, "Get up and go ', your faith has saved you."
My name is glorified among the nations
From "Commentary on Haggai by Saint Cyril of Alexandria, bishop (Ch. 14, PG 71, 1047-1050)
At the time of the coming of our Savior appeared a divine temple without comparison the most glorious, most glorious and excellent than the old. How much higher was the religion of Christ and the Gospel to the worship of the old law and how much more is the reality in comparison to his shadow, the more noble is the new temple compared to the old. I think you can add something else. The temple was unique, that of Jerusalem, and the only people of Israel offered his sacrifices in it. But after that the only-begotten Son became like us, although 'God and Lord, our light "(Ps 117, 27), as Scripture says, the whole world was filled with religious buildings and many worshipers who honor the God of the universe with spiritual sacrifices and incense. And this, I think, is what Malachi prophesied by God: I am the great King, saith the Lord, my name is great among the nations, and will be offered in every place incense and pure oblation ( cf. Ml 1, 11). It follows that the glory of the last temple, cioè della Chiesa, sarebbe stata più grande. A quanti lavoravano con impegno e fatica alla sua edificazione, sarà dato dal Salvatore come dono e regalo celeste Cristo, che è la pace di tutti. Noi allora per mezzo di lui potremo presentarci al Padre in un solo Spirito (cfr. Ef 2, 18). Lo dichiara egli stesso quando dice: Darò la pace in questo luogo e la pace dell'anima in premio a chiunque concorrerà a innalzare questo tempio (cfr. Ag 2, 9). Aggiunge: «Vi do la mia pace» (Gv 14, 27). E quale vantaggio questo offra a quanti lo amano, lo insegna san Paolo dicendo: La pace di Cristo, che sorpassa ogni intelligenza, custodisca i vostri cuori e i vostri pensieri (cfr. Fil 4, 7). Anche il saggio Isaia pregava in termini simili: «Signore, ci concederai la pace, poiché tu dai successo a tutte le nostre imprese» (Is 26, 12).A quanti sono stati resi degni una volta della pace di Cristo è facile salvare l'anima loro e indirizzare la volontà a compiere bene quanto richiede la virtù. Perciò a chiunque concorre alla costruzione del nuovo tempio promette la pace. Quanti dunque si adoperano a edificare la Chiesa o che sono messi a capo della famiglia di Dio (cfr. Ef 2, 22) come mistagoghi, cioè come interpreti dei sacri misteri, sono sicuri di conseguire la salvezza. Ma lo sono anche coloro che provvedono al bene della propria anima, rendendosi roccia viva e spirituale (cfr. 1 Cor 10, 4) per il tempio santo, e dimora di Dio per mezzo the Spirit (cf. Eph 2, 22).

Saturday, October 13, 2007

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visit to the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music ADDRESS OF HIS HOLINESS

Venerable Brothers in the Episcopate and the Priesthood, Dear Professors and Students

the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music!
the memorable day of November 21, 1985 my beloved predecessor, Pope John Paul II, went to visit these "aedes de Urbe Sancti Hieronymi, where, since its founding in 1932 by Pope Pius XI, a ' elected community of Benedictine monks had worked hard to revise the Biblia Vulgata. It was the moment when, by the will of the Holy See, the Pontifical Institute di Musica Sacra si era qui trasferito, pur conservando nella vecchia sede del Palazzo dell'Apollinare la storica Sala Gregorio XIII, la Sala Accademica o Aula Magna dell'Istituto, che è tuttora, per così dire, il "santuario" ove si svolgono le solenni accademie e i concerti. Il grande organo, donato a Papa Pio XI da Justine Ward nel 1932, è stato ora integralmente restaurato con il generoso contributo del Governo della "Generalitat de Catalunya". Sono lieto di salutare in questo momento i rappresentanti del suddetto Governo qui presenti.
Sono venuto con gioia nella sede didattica del Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra, completamente rinnovata. Con questa mia visita vengono inaugurati e benedetti gli imponenti lavori di restauro effettuati in recent years at the initiative of the Holy See and the significant contribution of various benefactors, among them being the "Fondazione pro Musica e Arte Sacra", who oversaw the complete restoration of the Library. I mean ideally also to inaugurate and bless the restorations carried out in the Academic Hall where, on stage, next to the aforementioned large organ was placed a beautiful piano, a gift of Telecom Italy Mobile beloved Pope John Paul II for "his" Institute of Music Sacra.
would now like to express my gratitude to Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education and your Grand Chancellor, for his courteous good wishes, on your behalf, he wished to speak. Gladly confirm this in my esteem and my satisfaction with the work that the Academic Board, Dean tightly around, plays with a sense of responsibility and valued professionalism. My greetings to all present: the relatives, with their children, and friends who accompany them, the officers, staff, students and residents, as well as representatives of Consociatio Internationalis Musicae Sacrae and Foederatio Internationalis Pueri Cantores . Your
Pontifical Institute is moving rapidly approach the centennial of its founding by the Saint Pius X, who erected in 1911 with the Short Expleverunt desires the "School of Sacred Music", this, after successive interventions of Benedict XV and Pius XI, it later became, with the Apostolic Constitution Deus Dominus scientiarum of Pius XI, Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music, now also actively engaged in fulfilling its original mission to serve the universal Church. Many students come here from all over the world to train in the disciplines of church music, in turn, become trainers in their local churches. And those who have been through almost a century! I am happy at this moment to extend a warm greeting to those who, in his splendid longevity, is a bit ', the "historical memory" of the Institute and embodies so many others who have worked here: the Maestro Monsignor Domenico Bartolucci. I
dear, in this context to recall what they have on the sacred music of Vatican II: moving in the line of a centuries-old tradition, the Council said it "is a treasure of inestimable value than that of any other art especially the fact that the sacred song united to words, is necessary and integral part of the solemn liturgy "(Sacrosanctum Concilium, 112). How rich is the biblical and patristic tradition stress the effectiveness of song and sacred music for moving and uplifting hearts to break, so to speak, in the same intimacy of God's life! Well aware of this, John Paul II observed that today, as always, three characteristics distinguono la musica sacra liturgica: la "santità", l’"arte vera", l’"universalità", la possibilità cioè di essere proposta a qualsiasi popolo o tipo di assemblea (cfr chirografo "Mosso dal vivo desiderio" del 22 novembre 2003). Proprio in vista di ciò, l’Autorità ecclesiastica deve impegnarsi ad orientare sapientemente lo sviluppo di un così esigente genere di musica, non "congelandone" il tesoro, ma cercando di inserire nell’eredità del passato le novità valevoli del presente, per giungere ad una sintesi degna dell’alta missione ad essa riservata nel servizio divino. Sono certo che il Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra, in armonica sintonia con la Congregazione for Divine Worship, will not fail to make its contribution to an "upgrade" for our times the precious traditions that abound in the sacred music. To you, therefore, dear professors and students of the Pontifical Institute, I entrust this task requirement and exciting, knowing that it is a very important value for the life of the Church.
invoke upon you the maternal protection of Our Lady of the Magnificat and the intercession of Saint Gregory the Great and St. Cecilia, I assure you by my constant remembrance in prayer. As I hope that the new academic year about to begin will be full of all grace, all impart a special Apostolic Blessing.
[01423-01.01] [Original text: Italian]
After the speech, the Holy Father comes from the church across the cloister Institute bless the plaque that will remember the visit. Then went to the library where some works are shown. After visiting the Library, the Pope leaves the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music and returns to the Vatican.

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The appointment of the Holy Father

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation presented by Archbishop Justo Mullor García, having reached limits' age-to the President of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy and was named to succeed him in the same office Archbishop Beniamino Stella, Titular Archbishop. of Midili, Apostolic Nuncio in Colombia so far.

The pope accepted the resignation presented by HE Mons . John De Andrea for the post of Vice President of the Labor of the Apostolic See (ULSA) and was named to succeed him in the same office Archbishop Franco Croci, Titular Bishop. Power Picena.

Il Santo Padre ha nominato Delegato della Sezione Ordinaria dell’Amministrazione del Patrimonio della Sede Apostolica (A.P.S.A.) il Mons. Massimo Boarotto, finora Capo Ufficio alla Congregazione per l’Evangelizzazione dei Popoli.

Il Papa ha nominato Capo Ufficio per gli Archivi dell’Età contemporanea, nell’Archivio Segreto Vaticano, il Mons. Gianpietro Rampin, finora Minutante presso la Sezione per gli Affari Generali della Segreteria di Stato.


Car Offer Example Word

Gaudemus in domino! The Pope's words

La Chiesa oggi, cari Amici, festeggia la Madonna che 90 anni fa apparve per l'ultima volta a Fatima, dando all'umanità intera un messaggio di speranza: " Alla fine il mio Cuore Immacolato trionferà"..Con questi sentimenti in collegamento con Fatima innalziamo alla Nostra Madre una più sincera e filiale preghiera di ringraziamento per le parole di Speranza consegnate al Cuore dei tre Fanciulli..

...Ave Maria Gratia plena...

Kate Playground Stream *

Sala Clementina Lunedì, 8 ottobre 2007

Cari componenti del Capitolo Vaticano!
Da tempo desideravo incontrarvi e colgo volentieri quest'occasione per manifestarvi di persona la mia stima e il mio affetto. A ciascuno di voi rivolgo un saluto cordiale. In particolare saluto l'Arciprete, Mons. Angelo Comastri, che ringrazio per le parole con cui ha presentato questa antica e venerabile istituzione. Con lui saluto il Vicario, Mons. Vittorio Lanzani, i Canonici e i Coadiutori. Ho apprezzato che Lei, Signor Arciprete, abbia ricordato the continued presence of clergy praying in St. Peter's Basilica since the time of St. Gregory the Great: a continuous presence, deliberately not flashy, but faithful and persevering. Properly
however, you dear Canons well know, your Chapter began in 1053, when Pope Leo IX confirmed to the Canons and the Archpriest of St. Peter, settled in the monastery of Santo Stefano Maggiore, the possessions and privileges granted by his predecessors . It was also with Pope Eugene IV (1145-1153) that the Chapter acquired the characteristics of a well-structured and autonomous community. There was, in essence, a long and gradual transition from a monastic structure, placed at the service of the Basilica, the current canonical structure. Under the guidance of the Archpriest, the activities of the Chapter since the Vatican has given rise to various areas of commitment: the liturgical celebration for choir and for the daily care of the services of the cult, the area of \u200b\u200badministration for the management of heritage and branches of the Basilica of the churches, the pastoral field, in which the Chapter was entrusted with the care of the Borgo district, and the charitable sector, where the Chapter held its own forms of assistance and cooperation with the Holy Spirit Hospital and other institutions. From the eleventh century until today there are as many as 11 popes who have been part of the Vatican Chapter and between them I like to remember in particular the twentieth century the Popes Pius XI and Pius XII. Since the sixteenth century, when it began Construction of the new Basilica - last year we celebrated the 5th anniversary of the foundation stone - the story of the Vatican Chapter is intertwined with that of the Fabbrica di San Pietro, two separate institutions, but united in the person of the Archpriest, who takes care to ensure mutual cooperation.
In the last century, especially in recent decades, the activities of the chapter in the life of St. Peter's Basilica has been progressively oriented towards the rediscovery of its true original features, consisting mainly in the ministry of prayer. If prayer is fundamental to all Christians, for you, dear brothers, is a task, so to speak, "professional". As I to say during a recent trip to Austria, prayer and service to the Lord, who always deserves to be praised and adored, and is both testimony to the men. And where God is praised and worshiped with fidelity, not without the blessing (cf. Address to Heiligenkreutz , September 9, 2007). Here is what is the proper nature of the Vatican Chapter and the contribution that you expected the Pope to recall with your prayerful presence at the tomb of Peter that nothing come before God that the Church is entirely directed to him, to his glory; that the primacy of Peter is to further the unity of the Church and that this in turn is at the service of the saving plan of the Holy Trinity.
Dear and venerable brothers, very confident in you and your ministry to the Basilica of St. Peter's can be a true place of prayer, worship and praise to the Lord. In this sacred place, where thousands of pilgrims come every day and tourists from around the world, more than elsewhere, it is necessary that the tomb of Peter, there is a stable community of prayer, to ensure continuity with the tradition and at the same time to intercede the intentions of the Pope in the Church and the world. In this perspective, I invoke upon you the protection of St. Peter, St. John Chrysostom, whose relics are preserved in your own chapel, and other saints and blessed in the Basilica. About you vegli la Vergine Immacolata, la cui effigie da voi venerata nella Cappella del Coro venne incoronata dal beato Pio IX nel 1854 e circondata di stelle cinquanta anni dopo, nel 1904, da San Pio X. Vi ringrazio ancora una volta per lo zelo con cui adempite al vostro compito e, mentre vi assicuro uno speciale ricordo nella Santa Messa, imparto di cuore a voi e ai vostri cari la Benedizione Apostolica.

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Venerdì, 12 ottobre 2007

Venerati Fratelli,illustri Ladies and Gentlemen, dear brothers and sisters!
We gathered in this place which is the main entrance to the Apostolic Palace, to bless and inaugurate the Bronze Doors fully restored after two years of patient and ingenious work. This is an event in itself is not of great importance, but significant for the function that this unique place and door to the centuries of Church history that has seen it running. Thank you for your presence and therefore each of you my cordial greetings.
This door was made by Giovanni Battista Soria and Orazio Censor during the pontificate of Paul V, who between 1617 and 1619, wanted to completely renovate the entire structure of Porta Palatii. Nel 1663, dopo il colossale intervento architettonico dovuto al genio di Gian Lorenzo Bernini, esso fu spostato nell’attuale posizione, cioè sulla soglia tra il Colonnato di Piazza San Pietro e il Braccio di Costantino. Usurato dal tempo, si pensò di restaurarlo in occasione del Grande Giubileo del 2000, ma questa operazione di radicale ripristino si è resa possibile solo qualche anno dopo. Il Portone è stato così smontato e non solo accuratamente ricondotto alla sua bellezza originaria secondo i metodi e le tecniche più moderni, bensì anche consolidato con un’anima di acciaio. Ed ora ha ripreso il suo posto e la sua funzione, sotto il bel mosaico raffigurante la Madonna col Bambino tra i Santi Pietro e Paolo.
Proprio because it marks the entrance to the house of one whom the Lord has called to lead as pastor Father and the entire People of God, this door assumes a symbolic and spiritual value. Those who come to the meet the Successor of Peter. Pilgrims and visitors in the various Offices of the Apostolic Palace. I express my heartfelt hope that those who enter through the Bronze Door may feel since their entrance greeted by the Pope The Pope House is open to all.
My thoughts of appreciation and gratitude go to those who have made this radical and urgent restoration work. First of all, who has directed and carried out work in their various stages: the Technical Services governorate and the Restoration Laboratories of the Vatican Museums, which have made use of the expertise of companies specialized in wood parts and metal. It 'was possible to address this long and demanding action by the generous financial support of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre and the Credito Artigiano. Therefore, I express deep gratitude to these two institutes, who wanted to renew such an expression of loyalty to the Pope and attention to the artistic heritage of the Holy See. My deepest gratitude extends to those who in various ways, have made their contribution.
And now those responsible, to the masters and benefactors, as well as to each of you present here assure you of my prayer, while with affection I impart my Apostolic Blessing to all.

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Easton Bats Blue Sv12

Rosary Prayer of Mary

Fourth Joyful Mystery
Jesus is presented in the Temple

When it was time of their purification according to the Law of Moses, they took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, as it is written in the Law of the Lord, "Every firstborn male shall be consecrated to the Lord and to offer a sacrifice of a pair of doves or two young pigeons as prescribed in the Law of the Lord. Now in Jerusalem there was a man named Simeon, a just man and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, the Holy Spirit was upon him, had foretold that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ. Prompted by the Spirit, he went to the temple, and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to perform the Law, he took him into his arms and blessed God: "Now let us, O Lord let thy servant depart in peace according to your word, for mine eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared before all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel. "
Simeon came to the temple led by the Holy Spirit. And you cercatobene Jesus everywhere cone Bride of the Song of Songs .(...) The San Simeon has earned it, he who said: "Now you can let your servant go." He wanted me to let them go, free from the bonds of the flesh, to tighten the embrace of Jesus with his heart.
Sant'Aelred de Rielvaux, unpublished sermons

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Plasma Donation In San Marcos Tx For Money

the hearing Wednesday Benedict XVI


St. Peter's Square Wednesday, October 10, 2007

St Hilary of Poitiers

Dear brothers and sisters,
today I would like to talk about a great Father of the Church of the West, Saint Hilary of Poitiers one of the great figures of Bishops of the fourth century. In comparison with the Arians, who considered Jesus the Son of God a creature, albeit excellent, but only creature, Hilary has devoted her entire life to defending the faith in the divinity of Jesus Christ, Son of God and God as the Father, which created it from eternity.
do not have reliable data on most of the life of Hilary. Ancient sources say he was born in Poitiers, probably around the year 310. As a wealthy family, received a solid education literature, easily recognizable in his writings. It does not seem to be raised in a Christian environment. He himself tells us of a journey in search of truth, which led him to the recognition of God as creator and God incarnate, who died to give us eternal life. Baptized about 345, was elected bishop of his hometown at around 353-354. In subsequent years, Hilary wrote his first work, the Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. It is the oldest in Latin comment that has been received to this Gospel. In 356 Hilary assists as Bishop at the Synod of Béziers in southern France, the synod of false apostles, "as he calls it, since the assembly was dominated by the bishops filoariani, who denied the divinity of Jesus Christ. These "false apostles" asked the emperor Costanzo to the banishment of the Bishop of Poitiers. So Hilary was forced to leave Gaul during the summer of 356.
Exiled to Phrygia in modern Turkey, Hilary is in contact with a religious context totally dominated by Arianism. Even there, the pastor of his concern prompted him to work tirelessly for the restoration of Church unity on the basis of true faith formulated by the Council of Nicaea. To this end he began the writing of his most important dogmatic work is known: the De Trinitate (On the Trinity). In it, Hilary exposes his own path toward knowledge of God and wants to show that Scripture clearly testifies to the divinity of the Son and its equality with the Father not only in the New Testament, but also in many pages of, where it already appears the mystery of Christ. Faced with the Arians, he insists on the truth of the names of Father and Son and develops all his Trinitarian theology, starting from the formula of baptism given to us by the Lord himself: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
The Father and the Son are of the same nature. While some passages in the New Testament might suggest that the Son is inferior to the Father, Hilary offers precise rules to avoid misleading interpretations: some texts of Scripture speak of Jesus as God, others emphasize his humanity. Some refer to him in His pre-existence with the Father, others take into consideration the state of subsidence (kenosis), his descent to death, while others, finally, we contemplate the glory of the resurrection. In the years of his exile Hilary also wrote the Book of the Synods, which reproduces and comments to his brother bishops of Gaul, the faiths of synods and other documents gathered in the East in the mid-fourth century. Still standing in opposition to radical Arians, St. Hilary shows a conciliatory tone towards those who agreed to confess that the Son was like the Father in essence, of course, trying to lead them to the full faith, according to which there is only a similarity, but true equality of the Father and the Son in divinity. Although this seems to me characteristic: the spirit of reconciliation that seeks to understand those who still have not arrived, and helps them with great theological intelligence, to achieve full faith in the true divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In 360 or 361, Hilary was finally able to return home from exile and immediately resumed his pastoral work in his Church, but the influence of his teaching is in fact extended far beyond it. A synod held at Paris in 360 or 361 incorporates the language of the Council of Nicaea. Some ancient authors think that this turn of the episcopate of Gaul anti-Arian has been largely due to the strength and the gentleness of the Bishop of Poitiers. This was precisely his gift: to combine strength in faith and meekness in interpersonal relationships. In the last years of his life he composed more treaties on the Psalms, a commentary on fifty Psalms, interpreted according to the principle of the work highlighted in the introduction: "There is no doubt that all the things that are said in the Psalms are to be understood second the proclamation of the Gospel, so that, whatever the voice with which the prophetic spirit has spoken, everything is still reported to the knowledge of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnation, passion and a kingdom, and glory and power of our resurrection " (Instructio Psalmorum 5). He sees in all this transparency Psalms the mystery of Christ and his Body the Church. On several occasions he met with St. Hilary Martin, right next to the future bishop of Tours, Poitiers founded a monastery, which still exists today. Hilary died in 367. His liturgical feast is celebrated on January 13. In 1851, Blessed Pius IX proclaimed him a Doctor of the Church.
To sum up the essence of his doctrine, I would say that Hilary is the starting point of theological reflection in his baptismal faith. In De Trinitate Hilary writes: "Jesus commanded us to baptize in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (cf. Mt 28:19), that is in the confession of the author, and begotten of the Gift. One alone is the Author of all le cose, perché uno solo è Dio Padre, dal quale tutto procede. E uno solo il Signore nostro Gesù Cristo, mediante il quale tutto fu fatto (1 Cor 8,6), e uno solo è lo Spirito (Ef 4,4), dono in tutti... In nulla potrà essere trovata mancante una pienezza così grande, in cui convergono nel Padre, nel Figlio e nello Spirito Santo l'immensità nell'Eterno, la rivelazione nell'Immagine, la gioia nel Dono» (De Trinitate 2,1). Dio Padre, essendo tutto amore, è capace di comunicare in pienezza la sua divinità al Figlio. Trovo particolarmente bella la seguente formula di sant’Ilario: "Dio non sa essere altro se non amore, non sa essere altro se non Padre. E chi ama non è invidioso, e Who's the Father is in its entirety. This name admits of no compromise, as though God is the father in some respects and in others it is "(ibid. 9.61).
Hence, the Son is fully God without any lack or diminution: "He who comes from the perfect is perfect, because who has everything, gave everything" (ibid. 2.8). Only in Christ, the Son of God and Son of man is salvation of humanity. By assuming human nature, he united to himself every man, "became the flesh of us all" (Tractatus in Psalmos 54.9) "has taken on himself the nature of all flesh, and now through it the true vine, has in itself the root of each branch "(ibid. 51.16). Precisely for this reason the path to Christ is open to all - for he has drawn all his being a man - even if personal conversion is always required: "Through the relationship with his flesh, access to Christ is open to all, provided that you stripped naked old man (cf. Eph 4:22) and inchiodino to his cross (cf. Col 2:14), provided they abandon the works of the first and be converted, to be buried with him in his baptism a view of life (cf. Col 1:12; Rom 6:4) "(p. 91.9).
Fidelity to God is a gift of his grace. Thus St. Hilary calls at the end of his treatise on the Trinity, to be able to keep true to the faith of baptism. E ' a feature of this book: the discussion turns to prayer and prayer back reflection. The whole book is a dialogue with God I would like to conclude today's catechesis with one of these prayers, which becomes also our prayer: 'Do, Lord - Hilary says so inspired - that I always keep true to what I professed in the symbol of my regeneration, where I was baptized in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That I adore you, our Father, and together with you your son, that I deserve your Holy Spirit, who proceeds from you through your only Son ... Amen "(De Trinitate 12.57).


I am pleased to welcome this morning the French-speaking pilgrims, especially the group of newspaper Pilgrim, accompanied by Cardinal Panafieu, during the one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of pilgrimages to the Holy Land organized by the Fathers Assumptionists. I also welcome pilgrims from Lyon, with their archbishop, Cardinal Barbarin and his Auxiliary Bishop Giraud, and Brazilian missionaries accompanied by Bishop Rey, Bishop of Fréjus-Toulon. I hope that, following the teachings of St. Hilary of Poitiers, you can always live in fidelity to the faith of your baptism. God bless.

I welcome all the English speaking visitors present today, including members of the Congregation of Holy Cross, participants in the Nato Defence College Senior Course, and the student groups from Scotland and Denmark May your time in Rome be one of spiritual renewal. Upon all of you I invoke God’s abundant blessings of joy and peace.

Mit Freude grüße ich alle Pilger und Besucher deutscher Sprache; unter ihnen die Seminaristen des Bistums Würzburg mit ihrem Bischof Friedhelm Hofmann, Gäste des Collegium Germanicum et Hungaricum, die jungen Musiker von der Humboldt-Universität Berlin mit ihren Gästen und Förderern, die anläßlich der Aufführung der Messe Tu es Petrus nach Rom gekommen sind, sowie die des Mariengymnasiums Schulgemeinschaft Warendorf. Liebe Freunde, der Apostel der Besuch der hier Gräber in Rom erneuere Stärke und euch im Glauben an Gott den Dreifaltigen. Dazu Schenke uns euch allen und der Herr seine Gnade.

I cordially greet the English-speaking visitors. In particular, the different groups from Spain, Mexico, Colombia and other Latin American countries. Following the teaching and example of St. Hilary of Poitiers, let us pray also for us the grace to remain ever faithful to the faith received in baptism, and witness with joy and conviction our love to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Thank you very much.

A minha saudação amiga para todos os peregrinos de língua portuguesa, nomeadamente o grupo de São Salvador da Bahia e as Irmãs de Santa Elizabete de Fortaleza: Viestes a Roma venerar as memórias dos Apóstolos e dos Mártires meditando sobre o fim glorioso do seu combate por Cristo, a fim de receberdes a mesma força do Espírito para idênticas batalhas em prol do Evangelho no meio onde o Pai do Céu vos colocou. Sobre vós, vossas famílias e comunidades, desça a minha Bênção Apostólica.

Saluto in lingua ceca:
Srdečně vítám poutníky z Dalečína a okolí! V tomto měsíci říjnu, zasvěceném svatému růženci, Vas vybízím k novému ocenění společenství s Pannou present, Teto práva prostřednictvím vznešené modlitby. K Tomu Vám žehnám rad! Chvála Kristu!
Italian Translation: Do
a cordial welcome to pilgrims Dalečín and around! In this month of October, dedicated to the Holy Rosary, I urge you to rediscover communion with the Virgin Mary, through this noble prayer. With these wishes, I gladly impart my blessing. Praised be Jesus Christ!

greet in the Croatian language:
S radošću pozdravljam sve Hrvatske hodočasnike to posebna Katedralna Zbor Đakovo iz, vjernike Katoličke Misije Hrvatske u iz mostari skupinu Švicarskoj you. Neka vas Molitva Svete Krunic jos vise u učvrsti Vjera, the nadi Ljuba. Hvaljen Isusi i Marija!
Italian translation: With joy I greet the pilgrims
Croats, particularly the choir of the Cathedral in Djakovica, the faithful of the Croatian Catholic Mission in Switzerland and the group of Mostar. The prayer of the rosary will tightens even more in faith, hope and love. Praised be Jesus and Mary!

Greeting in Polish: Witam
obecnych you Polakow. Hilary Poitiers wzywa z nas się w abyśmy umacniali wierze Ojca w Boga i Syna, the Dukes swietego. Wiara jest Lasko, to ożywia ja modlitwa the świadectwo. FOEN, ze będzie dla wszystkich nawiedzenie grobów apostolskich owocnym czasem odnawiania wiary. Niece Bóg błogosławi wam.
Italian translation:
greet the Polish here. Hilary of Poitiers invites us to strengthen our faith in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Faith is a grace, and revives the prayer and witness. I hope that the visit to the tombs of the Apostles and to all a fruitful time of renewal of faith. God bless you.

greet in Slovakian:
S láskou vitam slovenských pútnikov Spiš zo. Brata to Sestry, modlitba ruženca je modlitba SPOLOČENSTVA. Vytvárajte to posilňujte j vy s full spoločenstvo modlitby Kristom, Jeho Matkou the medzi Sebou navzájom. Matka Ružencová nech Vám v tom pomáha. S týmto želaním zo srdca žehnám vasic drahých the vas. Pochválený bud Ježiš Kristus!
Italian translation: With love
do a welcome to pilgrims from Slovakia Spiš. Brothers and sisters, praying the Rosary is a spiritual communion. Create and strengthen you also this communion of prayer with Christ and his mother and siblings. Help you in what Our Lady of the Rosary. With this wish, bless you and your loved ones. Praised be Jesus Christ!

greet in Hungarian: Isten
hozta to zarándokokat magyar, és különösen is a hercegszántói Székelyudvarhely híveket! Szeretettel köszöntelek titeket! A minap ünnepeltétek Magyarok Nagyasszonya ünnepét. AZ or közbenjárását kérve szívesen adom Ratok és családjaitokra áldásomat apostles. Dicsértessék to Krisztus Jezus!
Italian translation: Hungarian
I cordially greet the pilgrims, especially those from Hercegszántó and Székelyudvarhely. The other day you celebrated the feast of Magna Domina Hungarorum. Asking for her intercession, I impart to you and your families the apostolic blessing! Praised be Jesus Christ!

extend a cordial welcome to the Italian-speaking pilgrims. In particular I greet the Daughters of St. Joseph in those days celebrated their General Chapter. Dear sisters, following the example of your founder, Blessed Clement Marchisio, spread with renewed zeal the love for the Eucharist, the sacrament and the bond of perfect charity. I greet the representatives of the Dominican Family, so many joints in the eighth centenary of the founding of the first Dominican monastery of S. Domenico. Dear friends, I hope that this important occasion will help to instill in you a renewed spiritual fervor for a generous Christian witness. Saluto inoltre la Delegazione del Centro sportivo Italiano e dell'Associazione Calcio Ancona e li incoraggio ad operare affinché il gioco del calcio diventi sempre più strumento di educazione ai valori etici e spirituali della vita. Saluto altresì i fedeli provenienti da San Salvatore Telesino ed invoco su tutti la continua assistenza del Signore.
Saluto infine i giovani, i malati e gli sposi novelli. Domani ricorre la memoria liturgica del Beato Giovanni XXIII. La sua indimenticabile testimonianza evangelica sostenga voi, cari giovani, nell'impegno di quotidiana fedeltà a Cristo; incoraggi voi, cari ammalati, specialmente voi cari piccoli amici dell'Istituto per la cura dei tumori di Milano, a seguire pazientemente Gesù nel cammino della trial and suffering, help you, dear newlyweds, to make your family instead of the constant encounter with the Love of God and neighbor.

E 'being held in Ravenna in these days the tenth plenary session of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church as a whole, addressing the theological theme of particular ecumenical interest: "Consequences ecclesiological and canonical status of the sacramental nature of the Church - ecclesial communion, conciliarity and authority. " We ask you to join me in prayer for this important meeting will help to move towards full communion between Catholics and Orthodox, and it can be giungere presto a condividere lo stesso Calice del Signore.

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