Sunday, October 7, 2007

Letter For Telephone Disconection

The Pope's Angelus

ANGELUS, 07.10.2007
Cari fratelli e sorelle,
questa prima domenica di ottobre ci offre due motivi di preghiera e di riflessione: la memoria della Beata Vergine Maria del Rosario, che ricorre proprio oggi, e l’impegno missionario, a cui il mese è dedicato in modo speciale. L’immagine tradizionale della Madonna del Rosario raffigura Maria che con un braccio sostiene Gesù Bambino e con l’altro porge la corona a san Domenico. Questa significativa iconografia mostra che il Rosario è un mezzo donato dalla Vergine per contemplare Gesù e, meditandone la vita, amarlo e seguirlo sempre più fedelmente. E’ la consegna che la Madonna ha lasciato anche in diverse sue apparizioni. Penso, in particolare, a quella di Fatima avvenuta 90 years ago. For the three shepherd children Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco, presenting herself as "Our Lady of the Rosary," insistently recommended praying the rosary every day for the end of the war. We too want to welcome the Virgin's maternal request, committing ourselves to saying the rosary with faith for peace in families, and nations throughout the world.
We know, however, that true peace spreads where men and institutions are open to the Gospel. The month of October helps us to remember this fundamental truth through a special animation that tends to keep alive the missionary yearning in every community and to support the work of those - priests, religious and laity - working on the mission of the Church. With special care we prepare to celebrate the upcoming October 21, World Mission Sunday, which will have as theme: "All the Churches for all the world." The proclamation of the Gospel remains the first service that the Church owes to humanity, to offer Christ's salvation to the people of our time in so many ways humiliated and oppressed, and the Christian-oriented cultural, social and ethical that are taking place in the world. This year, a further reason impels us to renew our missionary commitment: the 50th anniversary of the Encyclical Fidei donum of the Servant of God Pius XII, which promoted and encouraged cooperation between Churches for the mission to gentes. I am pleased to recall that 150 years ago, left for Africa, specifically Sudan for the current five priests and a layman of the Institute of Don Mazza of Verona. Among them was St. Daniel Comboni, the future Bishop of Central Africa and patron of those people, whose liturgical memorial on 10 October.
the intercession of this pioneer of the Gospel and the many other saints and blessed the missionaries, particularly to the maternal protection of the Queen of the Rosary we entrust all missionaries. Mary helps us to remember that every Christian is called to be a preacher of the Gospel by word and life.
[01388-01.01] [Original text: Italian]
After the Angelus

I am now happy to greet the young people in recent days that have marked the fourth edition of the Mission in Rome called "Jesus at the center." I congratulate you, dear friends, because you have brought the message of God's love in the streets, in some hospitals and schools in the city. The mission experience is part of Christian formation, and it is important that adolescents and young people can experience it firsthand. Continue to bear witness to the Gospel every day and commit liberally in the next missionary in the Diocese of Rome.
A special greeting goes also to the thousands of young people gathered in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, where participating in the Mass celebrated by Cardinal Fiorenzo Angelini at the "Third Festival of Sport", which has the theme "Sport, Friendship, Prayer." Dear guys, you have come from all over the Lazio for this important event: may you always add the sport, friendship and spiritual life. Happy Holidays!
Today marks the day in Italy for the removal of architectural barriers. I hope that the institutions and individuals are increasingly aware of this social objective, and encourage the work to that end he has reached the FIABA Association, under the patronage of the highest authorities of the state. Je suis

heureux de vous accueillir, chers speaking pilgrims to the Marian prayer of the Angelus. Now with Saint Paul, I encourage you to awaken in you the gift of God and prayer Recapture the Apostles that the Lord will "increase faith in you," to be joyful witnesses of hope. God bless.
extend heartfelt greetings I
To The Visitors Français-speaking here today. In this month of October, Dedicated To The Holy Rosary With weekends ponder Mary the mysteries of Our salvation, And We ask the Lord to help us grow in understanding of o The Marvellous Things he has done for us. May God Fill You With His Love and May he grant you and dear to All Those you his blessings of joy and peace.

a cordial greeting to all the pilgrims from the German-speaking world. In the month of October we venerate Mary in a special way as the Queen of the Holy Rosary. In the Rosary, we look to Mary to Christ. The mother shows us her son and wants him and we are always very close and live in communion with him. Do we trust the power of prayer and we ask Mary, our heavenly Mother, to intercede. The Lord give you all his mercy.

Saludo con afecto a los fieles de lengua española. Queridos hermanos: En este domingo que en la fiesta de la Virgen celebramos del Rosario os invito a cada día rezar, con más Piedad y devoción, esta oración mariana tradicional, y que la de los principales contemplación Misterios de la vida de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en Aumente Nosotros la fe, la esperanza y la Caridad. ¡Feliz domingo!

I greet all Poles. Today we celebrate the memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary. The mysteries of the Rosary Mary takes us to the saving work of Christ. I urge you to this prayer. Let unites families and brings peace to the world. God bless you.

[Saluto tutti and polacchi. Oggi la memoria ricorre della Beata Vergine Maria del Rosario. Nei Misteri del Rosario, Maria Introduce your nell'opera saving work of Christ. Earnestly urge this prayer. Unite families and bring peace to the world. God bless you.]

finally extend a cordial greeting to the Italian-speaking pilgrims, especially the faithful from Taino. I wish everyone a happy Sunday.
[01389-XX.01] [Original text: Multilingual]


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