Saturday, October 13, 2007

Gay Stripers On Desktop

visit to the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music ADDRESS OF HIS HOLINESS

Venerable Brothers in the Episcopate and the Priesthood, Dear Professors and Students

the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music!
the memorable day of November 21, 1985 my beloved predecessor, Pope John Paul II, went to visit these "aedes de Urbe Sancti Hieronymi, where, since its founding in 1932 by Pope Pius XI, a ' elected community of Benedictine monks had worked hard to revise the Biblia Vulgata. It was the moment when, by the will of the Holy See, the Pontifical Institute di Musica Sacra si era qui trasferito, pur conservando nella vecchia sede del Palazzo dell'Apollinare la storica Sala Gregorio XIII, la Sala Accademica o Aula Magna dell'Istituto, che è tuttora, per così dire, il "santuario" ove si svolgono le solenni accademie e i concerti. Il grande organo, donato a Papa Pio XI da Justine Ward nel 1932, è stato ora integralmente restaurato con il generoso contributo del Governo della "Generalitat de Catalunya". Sono lieto di salutare in questo momento i rappresentanti del suddetto Governo qui presenti.
Sono venuto con gioia nella sede didattica del Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra, completamente rinnovata. Con questa mia visita vengono inaugurati e benedetti gli imponenti lavori di restauro effettuati in recent years at the initiative of the Holy See and the significant contribution of various benefactors, among them being the "Fondazione pro Musica e Arte Sacra", who oversaw the complete restoration of the Library. I mean ideally also to inaugurate and bless the restorations carried out in the Academic Hall where, on stage, next to the aforementioned large organ was placed a beautiful piano, a gift of Telecom Italy Mobile beloved Pope John Paul II for "his" Institute of Music Sacra.
would now like to express my gratitude to Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education and your Grand Chancellor, for his courteous good wishes, on your behalf, he wished to speak. Gladly confirm this in my esteem and my satisfaction with the work that the Academic Board, Dean tightly around, plays with a sense of responsibility and valued professionalism. My greetings to all present: the relatives, with their children, and friends who accompany them, the officers, staff, students and residents, as well as representatives of Consociatio Internationalis Musicae Sacrae and Foederatio Internationalis Pueri Cantores . Your
Pontifical Institute is moving rapidly approach the centennial of its founding by the Saint Pius X, who erected in 1911 with the Short Expleverunt desires the "School of Sacred Music", this, after successive interventions of Benedict XV and Pius XI, it later became, with the Apostolic Constitution Deus Dominus scientiarum of Pius XI, Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music, now also actively engaged in fulfilling its original mission to serve the universal Church. Many students come here from all over the world to train in the disciplines of church music, in turn, become trainers in their local churches. And those who have been through almost a century! I am happy at this moment to extend a warm greeting to those who, in his splendid longevity, is a bit ', the "historical memory" of the Institute and embodies so many others who have worked here: the Maestro Monsignor Domenico Bartolucci. I
dear, in this context to recall what they have on the sacred music of Vatican II: moving in the line of a centuries-old tradition, the Council said it "is a treasure of inestimable value than that of any other art especially the fact that the sacred song united to words, is necessary and integral part of the solemn liturgy "(Sacrosanctum Concilium, 112). How rich is the biblical and patristic tradition stress the effectiveness of song and sacred music for moving and uplifting hearts to break, so to speak, in the same intimacy of God's life! Well aware of this, John Paul II observed that today, as always, three characteristics distinguono la musica sacra liturgica: la "santità", l’"arte vera", l’"universalità", la possibilità cioè di essere proposta a qualsiasi popolo o tipo di assemblea (cfr chirografo "Mosso dal vivo desiderio" del 22 novembre 2003). Proprio in vista di ciò, l’Autorità ecclesiastica deve impegnarsi ad orientare sapientemente lo sviluppo di un così esigente genere di musica, non "congelandone" il tesoro, ma cercando di inserire nell’eredità del passato le novità valevoli del presente, per giungere ad una sintesi degna dell’alta missione ad essa riservata nel servizio divino. Sono certo che il Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra, in armonica sintonia con la Congregazione for Divine Worship, will not fail to make its contribution to an "upgrade" for our times the precious traditions that abound in the sacred music. To you, therefore, dear professors and students of the Pontifical Institute, I entrust this task requirement and exciting, knowing that it is a very important value for the life of the Church.
invoke upon you the maternal protection of Our Lady of the Magnificat and the intercession of Saint Gregory the Great and St. Cecilia, I assure you by my constant remembrance in prayer. As I hope that the new academic year about to begin will be full of all grace, all impart a special Apostolic Blessing.
[01423-01.01] [Original text: Italian]
After the speech, the Holy Father comes from the church across the cloister Institute bless the plaque that will remember the visit. Then went to the library where some works are shown. After visiting the Library, the Pope leaves the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music and returns to the Vatican.


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