Saturday, October 13, 2007

Kate Playground Stream *

Sala Clementina Lunedì, 8 ottobre 2007

Cari componenti del Capitolo Vaticano!
Da tempo desideravo incontrarvi e colgo volentieri quest'occasione per manifestarvi di persona la mia stima e il mio affetto. A ciascuno di voi rivolgo un saluto cordiale. In particolare saluto l'Arciprete, Mons. Angelo Comastri, che ringrazio per le parole con cui ha presentato questa antica e venerabile istituzione. Con lui saluto il Vicario, Mons. Vittorio Lanzani, i Canonici e i Coadiutori. Ho apprezzato che Lei, Signor Arciprete, abbia ricordato the continued presence of clergy praying in St. Peter's Basilica since the time of St. Gregory the Great: a continuous presence, deliberately not flashy, but faithful and persevering. Properly
however, you dear Canons well know, your Chapter began in 1053, when Pope Leo IX confirmed to the Canons and the Archpriest of St. Peter, settled in the monastery of Santo Stefano Maggiore, the possessions and privileges granted by his predecessors . It was also with Pope Eugene IV (1145-1153) that the Chapter acquired the characteristics of a well-structured and autonomous community. There was, in essence, a long and gradual transition from a monastic structure, placed at the service of the Basilica, the current canonical structure. Under the guidance of the Archpriest, the activities of the Chapter since the Vatican has given rise to various areas of commitment: the liturgical celebration for choir and for the daily care of the services of the cult, the area of \u200b\u200badministration for the management of heritage and branches of the Basilica of the churches, the pastoral field, in which the Chapter was entrusted with the care of the Borgo district, and the charitable sector, where the Chapter held its own forms of assistance and cooperation with the Holy Spirit Hospital and other institutions. From the eleventh century until today there are as many as 11 popes who have been part of the Vatican Chapter and between them I like to remember in particular the twentieth century the Popes Pius XI and Pius XII. Since the sixteenth century, when it began Construction of the new Basilica - last year we celebrated the 5th anniversary of the foundation stone - the story of the Vatican Chapter is intertwined with that of the Fabbrica di San Pietro, two separate institutions, but united in the person of the Archpriest, who takes care to ensure mutual cooperation.
In the last century, especially in recent decades, the activities of the chapter in the life of St. Peter's Basilica has been progressively oriented towards the rediscovery of its true original features, consisting mainly in the ministry of prayer. If prayer is fundamental to all Christians, for you, dear brothers, is a task, so to speak, "professional". As I to say during a recent trip to Austria, prayer and service to the Lord, who always deserves to be praised and adored, and is both testimony to the men. And where God is praised and worshiped with fidelity, not without the blessing (cf. Address to Heiligenkreutz , September 9, 2007). Here is what is the proper nature of the Vatican Chapter and the contribution that you expected the Pope to recall with your prayerful presence at the tomb of Peter that nothing come before God that the Church is entirely directed to him, to his glory; that the primacy of Peter is to further the unity of the Church and that this in turn is at the service of the saving plan of the Holy Trinity.
Dear and venerable brothers, very confident in you and your ministry to the Basilica of St. Peter's can be a true place of prayer, worship and praise to the Lord. In this sacred place, where thousands of pilgrims come every day and tourists from around the world, more than elsewhere, it is necessary that the tomb of Peter, there is a stable community of prayer, to ensure continuity with the tradition and at the same time to intercede the intentions of the Pope in the Church and the world. In this perspective, I invoke upon you the protection of St. Peter, St. John Chrysostom, whose relics are preserved in your own chapel, and other saints and blessed in the Basilica. About you vegli la Vergine Immacolata, la cui effigie da voi venerata nella Cappella del Coro venne incoronata dal beato Pio IX nel 1854 e circondata di stelle cinquanta anni dopo, nel 1904, da San Pio X. Vi ringrazio ancora una volta per lo zelo con cui adempite al vostro compito e, mentre vi assicuro uno speciale ricordo nella Santa Messa, imparto di cuore a voi e ai vostri cari la Benedizione Apostolica.

© Copyright 2007 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Venerdì, 12 ottobre 2007

Venerati Fratelli,illustri Ladies and Gentlemen, dear brothers and sisters!
We gathered in this place which is the main entrance to the Apostolic Palace, to bless and inaugurate the Bronze Doors fully restored after two years of patient and ingenious work. This is an event in itself is not of great importance, but significant for the function that this unique place and door to the centuries of Church history that has seen it running. Thank you for your presence and therefore each of you my cordial greetings.
This door was made by Giovanni Battista Soria and Orazio Censor during the pontificate of Paul V, who between 1617 and 1619, wanted to completely renovate the entire structure of Porta Palatii. Nel 1663, dopo il colossale intervento architettonico dovuto al genio di Gian Lorenzo Bernini, esso fu spostato nell’attuale posizione, cioè sulla soglia tra il Colonnato di Piazza San Pietro e il Braccio di Costantino. Usurato dal tempo, si pensò di restaurarlo in occasione del Grande Giubileo del 2000, ma questa operazione di radicale ripristino si è resa possibile solo qualche anno dopo. Il Portone è stato così smontato e non solo accuratamente ricondotto alla sua bellezza originaria secondo i metodi e le tecniche più moderni, bensì anche consolidato con un’anima di acciaio. Ed ora ha ripreso il suo posto e la sua funzione, sotto il bel mosaico raffigurante la Madonna col Bambino tra i Santi Pietro e Paolo.
Proprio because it marks the entrance to the house of one whom the Lord has called to lead as pastor Father and the entire People of God, this door assumes a symbolic and spiritual value. Those who come to the meet the Successor of Peter. Pilgrims and visitors in the various Offices of the Apostolic Palace. I express my heartfelt hope that those who enter through the Bronze Door may feel since their entrance greeted by the Pope The Pope House is open to all.
My thoughts of appreciation and gratitude go to those who have made this radical and urgent restoration work. First of all, who has directed and carried out work in their various stages: the Technical Services governorate and the Restoration Laboratories of the Vatican Museums, which have made use of the expertise of companies specialized in wood parts and metal. It 'was possible to address this long and demanding action by the generous financial support of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre and the Credito Artigiano. Therefore, I express deep gratitude to these two institutes, who wanted to renew such an expression of loyalty to the Pope and attention to the artistic heritage of the Holy See. My deepest gratitude extends to those who in various ways, have made their contribution.
And now those responsible, to the masters and benefactors, as well as to each of you present here assure you of my prayer, while with affection I impart my Apostolic Blessing to all.

© Copyright 2007 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana


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