Tuesday, October 16, 2007

All Pic Of Pokemondeluge Legendary


Piazza San PietroDomenica, October 14, 2007

Dear brothers and sisters! The Gospel of
this Sunday presents Jesus healing ten lepers, of whom only one, a Samaritan, and therefore foreign, returns to thank him (cf. Lk 17, 11-19). To him, the Lord says, "Get up and go ', your faith has saved you!" (Lk 17, 19). This Gospel invites us to a double reflection. First suggests two levels of healing: one, more superficial, involving the body, the other, deeper, touching the heart of each person, what the Bible calls the "heart", and from there it radiates to the whole 'existence. The healing is complete and radical "salvation." The same common language, a distinction between "health" and "salvation", helps us to understand that salvation is far more of health: is in fact a new life, full and definitive. Moreover, Jesus here, as in other circumstances, say the words: "Your faith has saved you." It is faith that saves man, restoring his deep relationship with God, with himself and with others, and faith is expressed in gratitude. Those who, like the healed Samaritan, knows how to thank, is shown not to consider everything as it should, but as a gift, even when the men came in the form or nature, ultimately comes from God Faith then leads to the open man grace of the Lord, recognizing that all is gift, all is grace. What a treasure is hidden in a little word: "Thank you!
Jesus healed ten lepers, infirmity then considered a "contagious impurity" that required a ritual purification (cf. Lv 14, 1-37). In truth, the leprosy that really deforms man and society is sin is pride and egoism that generate in the human indifference, hatred and violence. This leprosy of the spirit, which disfigures the face of humanity, no one can heal, but God who is Love. Opening our hearts to God, the person who converts is healed inwardly evil.
"Repent and believe the Gospel" (Mk 1, 15). Jesus said beginning his public life with this invitation, which continues to resound in the Church, so that even the Blessed Virgin in her apparitions, especially in recent times, he even repeated this call. Today, we think especially in Fatima where, precisely 90 years ago, from 13 May to 13 October 1917, the Virgin appeared to three shepherd children Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco. Thanks to radio and television coverage, I would be spiritually present at this Marian Shrine, where Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State, presided in my name at the concluding celebrations of this significant anniversary. I cordially greet him, the Cardinals and Bishops present, the priests who work in the shrine and the pilgrims come from all over the world for the occasion. Madonna to ask for all Christians the gift of true conversion, to be proclaimed and witnessed con coerenza and Fedeltà il messaggio perenne evangelical, che la route indicates all'umanità dell'autentica pace. Dopo l'Angelus
: This
my blessing to all who pray the Angelus prayer with me - physically present or linked by the media - I willingly extend to people gathered at the shrine of Fatima in Portugal. There, from ninety years ago, continue to echo the calls of the Virgin Mother who calls his children to live their baptismal consecration in every moment of existence. Everything becomes possible and easy living that delivery to Mary by Jesus Himself on the cross when he said: "Woman, eis o teu filho!». Ela é o refúgio e o caminho que conduz a Deus. Sinal palpável desta entrega é a reza diária do terço. Enquanto saúdo o Senhor Cardeal Legado Tarcisio Bertone, o Senhor Bispo de Leiria-Fátima e todo o Episcopado Português, bem como os demais Bispos presentes e cada um dos peregrinos de Fátima, a todos exorto a renovarem pessoalmente a própria consagração ao Imaculado Coração de Maria e a viverem este acto de culto com uma vida cada vez mais conforme à Vontade divina e em espírito de serviço filial e devota imitação da sua celeste Rainha. Nunca esqueçais o Papa!
Traduzione in italiano:
[Questa mia Benedizione per quanti recitano con me the Angelus prayer - here or joined through the media - willingly extend to the people gathered at the shrine of Fatima, Portugal. There, ninety years, continue to echo the calls of the Virgin Mother who calls his children to live their baptismal consecration in every moment of existence. Everything becomes possible and easier living that gift of self to Mary that Jesus himself on the cross, when he said: "Woman, behold your son." You are the refuge and the path that leads to God tangible sign of this gift of self is the daily recitation of the rosary. As I greet Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone Legate, the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima and all the Bishops Portoghese, e anche gli altri Vescovi presenti e tutti i pellegrini di Fatima, esorto tutti a rinnovare personalmente la propria consacrazione all'Immacolato Cuore di Maria e a vivere questo atto di culto con una vita sempre più conforme alla Volontà divina e in spirito di servizio filiale e devota imitazione della sua celeste Regina. Non dimenticate mai il Papa!]
Je salue cordialement les pèlerins de langue française présents à cette prière mariale, en particulier les membres de la Famille missionnaire de Notre-Dame. Comme le souligne la liturgie de ce dimanche, Jésus manifeste la volonté de salut de Dieu en nous guérissant de toutes nos misères, de notre péché. N’oublions jamais de revenir vers lui et de notre action de lui Exprime Grâces pour les merveilles qu'il ne Cesse d'accomplir en nous. Que Dieu vous bénisse!
I warmly welcome the English-speaking visitors present at this Angelus. In today's Gospel our Lord takes pity on the lepers, cleansing them of their infirmities and reminding us all of his desire to heal those who suffer. During your time in Rome may God bless you with the saving power of his peace and love.
I am pleased to welcome all German-speaking pilgrims and visitors welcome. I particularly welcome today the musicians, sponsors and guests of the International Festival of Sacred Music and Art Foundation Pro, the Choral Society Pörtner from the Westerwald and the singing circle Bad Hofgastein. Im Tagesgebet dieses Sonntags bitten wir Gott um seine Gnade, damit wir sein Wort im Herzen bewahren und immer bereit sind, das Gute zu tun. Die selige Jungfrau Maria sei uns dabei Vorbild und Helferin. - Der Herr segne euch und eure Familien!
Saludo cordialmente a los peregrinos de lengua española que participan en esta oración mariana, especialmente al grupo de la Parroquia San Felipe Neri, de Orizaba, México. Que el gozo por la salvación, que el Señor ha traído al mundo, inunde los corazones y los hogares y nos lleve a darle gracias incesantemente por este don inigualable. Feliz domingo.
Srdečne pozdravujem pútnikov zo Slovenska, osobitne z farnosti svätého Michala v Naháči. Bratia a sestry, Praja vám v Rime požehnaný stay. S láskou zehn vas a vase rodiny. Pochválený Buď Ježiš Kristus!
[Saluto cordialmente and Pellegrini provenienti dalla Slovacchia, dalla Parrocchia particolarmente di San Michele a Naháč. Fratelli e Sorelle, vi auguro un buon soggiorno a Roma. Con affetto benedico voi e le vostre famiglia. Sia Lodato Gesù Cristo!]
Yours Poles. Today the Church in Poland celebrates' Pope Day. "This is a special time of prayer for the beatification of the Servant of God John Paul II, reflect on their teaching and making works of mercy as his incentive. Spiritually turn się w you inicjatywę the serdecznie wszystkim błogosławię.
[greet the Poles. Today the Church in Poland celebrates' Pope Day. " It 's a special time of prayer for the beatification of the Servant of God John Paul II, to reflect on her teaching and charitable action in its solicitation. Spiritually, I endorse this initiative and heart bless you all.]
continue to arrive daily news from Iraq of serious attacks and violence, which shake the conscience of those who care about the good of the country and peace in the region. Among these, I learn today the news of the kidnapping of two good priests of the Archdiocese Syrian Catholic Archbishop of Mosul, threatened with death. I appeal to the kidnappers for release immediately the two men and, once again reiterate that violence does not resolve the tensions, I offer a heartfelt prayer to the Lord for their release, for those who suffer violence and for peace.
finally extend a cordial greeting to the Italian-speaking pilgrims, especially the large group came from Desio the 150th birth anniversary of Pope Pius XI. I also greet the faithful of Lamezia Terme, Padova and Altamura, as well as musicians and flag bearers of the Association Floridia. I wish everyone a happy Sunday.

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