Monday, June 14, 2010

How Does The Chicken Leg Piece Lokk

The Swimming Pool? Easy with SISTEC

site on line for professional pool!

SISTEC Ltd has been in business since 1990, representing major companies, equipment manufactures, and distributes equipment, products and accessories for water treatment and swimming pools. SISTEC is also agent and service center of some of the leading companies in the industry with exclusive on some international brands, regular customers are companies building and operating pools (public or private), thermo-hydraulic plants and primary water treatment. To give more support to customers, the Company shall, together with equipment for various sectors including technical consultancy and technical drawings of construction.

With twenty years of experience in the field of water treatment, SISTEC is able to offer certified products and quality, combined with scheduled maintenance on time and always-on service and ready to solve problems related to water control. In addition to water purification systems for household and industrial use, the company is equipped to offer news, accessories and spare parts in pools, spas and wellness from all continents. For those who have found an interesting product, the site allows you to report it and, if lacking and / or difficulty per l’approvvigionamento, Sisteco è in grado di procurarlo nel più breve tempo possibile ed al giusto prezzo.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Fastlane Concept 427 Ss Silverado For Sale

Capecci Group: Innovation, Energy Saving, Originality 'Delle Forme

Una lunga storia nell’edilizia. Dal 1990 Gruppo Capecci costruisce case con la professionalità e la passione che negli anni hanno sempre caratterizzato lo stile di Carlo Capecci. Affiancando presto alla competenza e alla serietà l’attenzione per l’innovazione, fino alle recenti applicazioni nel campo del risparmio energetico, domotica, ecc.

Gruppo Capecci opera da anni in zone di recupero building power plants is of particular interest landscaped with sensitivity and respect that always recognizes the environment: from old to new villages surrounded by green areas. Design as rationally as possible, making the building environmentally friendly and energy saving solutions more innovative. Each operation is performed starting from feasibility studies through construction, through all phases of architectural design, structural and plant.
particular attention to the political cost can be reduced as much as possible the final selling prices also practicing extremely flexible method of payment.

The graphics was edited by GraficaGEI and development and hosting by Eidos Group

Monday, June 7, 2010

Cost Effective Flooring Solutions In India

Stringhifico Serrano: the snare is in fashion!

On line the new site for the accessories footwear
Stringhificio Serrano, thanks to three decades of experience, is a leading manufacturer of strings and marketing of products for the footwear.
In 1996, the company has expanded its company 'entering the apparel sector, with the production and marketing of textured yarn for sewing lingerie, swimwear and clothing in general.

The quality 'of all products is a must pursue consistently by staff, who has been doing their job with passion and enthusiasm. The Serrano Stringhificio than Italy, work with different markets in Europe and beyond.