little more than an adolescent, Gobetti had enthusiastically greeted the Russian Revolution, the works council and occupation of the Fiat (1920): "Here we are in the revolution. I follow with sympathy the efforts of the workers who build a new order. I do not feel in me the strength to follow their work, at least for now. But it seems to me to see that gradually becomes clearer, and set the biggest battle of the century. So my place will be on the side of those who are more religious and spirit of sacrifice. " Wikimedia The New Order, with policy interventions and especially as a theater critic, without divulging any concession, ie, addressing the reader as an intellectual worker. Gramsci would say of him: "Piero Gobetti was not a communist and probably never would be become, but he understood the social and historical position of the proletariat ..." He dug a trench beyond which withdrew those groups of intellectuals that most honest and sincere in 1919-20 felt that the proletariat as the ruling class would have been higher than the bourgeoisie. " Immediately understand the tactics of fascism and the near-fatal opportunistic success: "Neither Mussolini nor Vittorio Emanuele are under masters, but the Italians have a good spirit of slaves." Fascism is "the autobiography of the nation." Clearly provides that it will last, but not waiver increasingly intransigent opposition. The task is to "save the future of young generations. His anti-fascism, even before political choice, is something "innate physiologically," an 'irreducible matter of principle "of" instinct "and" dignity "and" style ". A few days after the formation of Mussolini's first government, he writes: "We have to suffer the persecutions that we are entitled to." What happens on time, with search, seizure, until the wild aggressione del settembre ‘24 (tre mesi prima un telegramma del Duce ordinava al Prefetto di Torino: “rendere nuovamente difficile vita questo insulso oppositore governo e fascismo”). Soppressa La Rivoluzione Liberale , fonda Il Baretti , d’indirizzo più letterario, a cui collaboreranno giovanissimi Leone Ginzburg e Massimo Mila. Deciso a continuare la sua attività di scrittore e editore, che gli è inibita in patria, Gobetti va esule a Parigi, dove muore il 15 febbraio 1926.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Were To Find The Gun In Poptropica
The card 2011 and dedicated to Piero Gobetti Ada
Piero Gobetti was born in Turin in 1901. The parents run a small grocery store, the grandparents were farmers. Precocious talent, excellent studies, graduating with a thesis on the political philosophy of Alfieri. Still at high school he directed the magazine Energie Nove adjourned to give life to Liberal Revolution (1922-25), in which many young people were recognized (Carlo Levi, Giacomo Debenedetti, Ernesto Rossi, Camillo Berneri, Carlo Rosselli, Riccardo Bauer, Natalino Sapegno, Eugenio Montale, Adriano Olivetti, Lelio Basso ecc.), riscuotendo anche la stima e la solidarietà di politici e studiosi più che affermati (Salvemini e Croce, Pareto, Amendola, Einaudi, Salvatorelli, Prezzolini ecc.). Accanto alla rivista, la casa editrice, che inalbera il motto greco e alfieriano: “Che ho a che fare con gli schiavi?” Con la vocazione pedagogica, Gobetti aveva “la virtù tutta sua di attrarre gli spiriti più diversi e ottenere da loro il lavoro a cui fossero portati, traendo da ciascuno quel che poteva dare di meglio” (Mario Fubini). E ancora, un fervore organizzativo e una capacità di lavoro straordinari. From his notes, published posthumously: "I think my ideal figure of a publisher. I consoled us, the most tumultuous days of the week ... after writing 10 letters and 20 postcards, reviewed the third draft of the book or Tilgher Nitti, prepared ads for publishing the bookseller, the circular for the public, the adverts for magazines, quarreled with the proto I put a new error after 3 corrections, sent via resigned after 40 minutes of discussion, the printer who asked to increase 10 pounds per sheet, without that, the porter helped to unload the boxes of books when there are I just more waiting, the first case taken down myself to see the first samples and I just suffer the paper that is bleached in a copy, and console me that everything else is fine ... received 20 calls, 10 new faces that come with the best ... and you feel weird, peer, choose to help the young and presumptuous to immediately put on the door. " Joseph Gangale remember "who was here in Rome in the third class, rushed, disheveled, with a large suitcase loads of his books and his papers that he distributed to booksellers and placed by the newspaper." In 1923 he married Ada Prospero, known in the high school years, a faithful companion, muse, collaborator, who will continue the battle, making his house a school of anti-fascism, to the Resistance (which let you witness Diary partisan , 1956). In 1925 their son Paul.
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