Piergiorgio Bellocchio and Alfonso Berardinelli
From Quaderni Piacentini, magazine group par excellence, Diary, personal journal, from our self. "Opera series" that offers unsurpassed descriptions of Italian society in the long and unfinished transition from First to the Second Republic, Diary was entirely written and self-managed, between 1985 and 1993, by Piergiorgio Bellocchio and Alfonso Berardinelli, with the only company of great writers of the past from time to time antologizzati (according to the formula "two live and one dead), and the ambition to" purify the language of the tribe, to return to "be taken into words. " Paul Febbraro, in reviewing the photographic reproduction in full volume now offered by the publisher Quodlibet, focuses on "natural prose, crystalline powder, without appeal, which makes Diary one of the most interesting magazines in the late twentieth century, perhaps one of the small offshore we have lost "(poster, November 11, 2010). Solipsism pessimistic? "Not at all," says today Bellocchio, "among the causes of the end of Diary there was also the realization that we were not enough: things have gone ancora peggio di quel che avevamo previsto”. Operazione elitaria, rivista impolitica, dismissione di responsabilità? Al contrario: “I due autori concordano nel considerare quegli anni i più liberamente e felicemente produttivi della propria attività letteraria. Scrivendo Diario , ci siamo sentiti politicamente impegnati come mai prima”.
Piergiorgio Bellocchio ha fondato con Grazia Cherchi e diretto per circa vent’anni “Quaderni piacentini”. Ha esordito nella narrativa con I piacevoli servi (Mondadori, 1966). Dal 1985 al 1993 ha published "Diary", the only magazine written by Alfonso Berardinelli. Its production and critical essays are collected in several volumes, including: the wrong (Einaudi, 1989), Possibly (Rizzoli, 1993), The cunning of the passions (Rizzoli, 1995), Lost property (Baldini & Castoldi, 1996), Below the fray. Satires and essays (Scheiwiller Books, 2007). And president of the political culture "cittàcomune.Alfonso Berardinelli has taught contemporary literature at the University of Venice until the resignation volunteers in 1995. He published among other things: free trade critic (Basic Books, 1983), poetry to prose (Bollati Basic Books, 1994), The hero who thinks (Einaudi, 1997), Form Assay (Marsilio, 2002 and 2008) and with HM Enzesberger, How boring poetry (Einaudi, 2006). Among his recent books: critical cases. From the postmodern mutation (Quodlibet, 2007); Poetry Poetry (Einaudi, 2008).
Gianni D'Amo teaches History and Philosophy at the high school state Codogno (Lodi). City Councillor, Piacenza, is among the leaders of the association politico-cultural cittàcomune. For Ten books. Literature and Criticism 2007-2008 (edited by A. Berardinelli, Scheiwiller Books, 2008) wrote: "The moral of saggismo Bellocchio" and "The long shadow of war. Interview with Guido Crainz.
Matteo Marchesini Yearbook critical works of poetry edited by George Manacorda (Castelvecchi). From 1999 to 2003 he managed in San Giovanni in Persiceto (Bo) a small bookstore specializing in poetry and fiction for children. In 2003 he published a book of poems, Asylum (Arezzo, Friends of Ed), in 2004 he won the Iceberg of fiction with a collection of short stories The women disappear quietly (Bologna, Pendragon, 2005). His portrait appears on the critical Piergiorgio Bellocchio n.129 de Aliens currently in bookstores.
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