Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Do Dream About Stitches Mean

Recovery Tips - The 8 categories of outdoor cat's chance of recovery

The probability of the 8 categories of outdoor cat

When an outdoor-access cat disappears, there are basically eight situations may happen to be his. Here are the following eight categories of probability of what might have happened to your cat:

  1. 1. your cat is trapped - Your cat could be a tree on the roof, under a house, inside a vehicle or another. This means you may be within its normal territory, which is usually in a radius of 5 houses from home. We must obtain permission from the neighborhood to be able to enter their property and check for yourself the cat. Do not settle for asking the neighbors to look for the cat for you. Their idea of \u200b\u200b"research" will be the one to call if they see the cat on their landing ... this will never happen.

  1. 2. your cat has been rescued - to "rescue" we mean that someone found the cat, assumed it was a stray and adopted him into the house. This happens frequently, especially with cats with no collar and no microchip or tag.

  1. 3. YOUR CAT HAS BEEN STOLEN - Fortunately, this does not happen often. Those at risk are the exotic cats. They may also be at risk cats who come and ask for attention to strangers. There have been cases of "removal" with cats that invade the territory of the neighborhood or in cases of disputes in relationships.

  1. 4. your cat is injured, SICK OR DIED - injured or sick cats will hide in silence. This behavior has been called "Silence Factor" factor (of silence) and that's what KILLS CATS EVERY DAY! The fact of hiding in silence is a protection mechanism that cats put in place to protect themselves from predators. This means that before you print flyers or go to the shelters, you have to look at every single place where the cat may have been hidden from your home until you get to search the property of their neighbors (garden, yard, basement, etc). It is possible that your cat is injured or in need of care Medical and save his life you get to slip in unexpected places with the help of a halogen flashlight.

  1. 5. YOUR CAT WAS KILLED BY A PREDATOR - It is sad to think it can happen. In Italy we do not have a crabs predators. The only wild animal that might attack a cat, but kittens, is the fox. We just another predator in Italy ... and is home. Often in fact that dogs with a particular predatory instinct spoil cats. Clear signs of a struggle can be torn tufts of hair and traces of blood on the ground. Noas operators are trained to analyze and compare the hair fibers, which may also be of enormous help for a forensic investigation (eg DNA testing). If your cat has disappeared and you found tufts of hair on the floor, Noas contact an operator for assistance.

  1. 6. your cat is particular area outside its territory - A cat may have been removed from its territory by dogs, people or other cats, but also because of events that scare them like fireworks or gunshots. Many of these cats come home as soon as their adrenaline level back to normal. Unfortunately, some cats, especially if suspicious, they are so frightened by the experience unpleasant lurking in a panic and are too scared to make it back home. There are been many cases where the cat seemed to have vanished, and instead was only 3 blocks away, hidden in some hole in the backyard fence or the neighbor. These cats even though they had just climbed over two fences and crossed a road, acting like stray cats, frightened by humans. In some cases, meow, enabling the owner to approach, while In other cases, the owner escaped and was only possible to catch them with the help of special "cages for recovery." It is essential to make a very detailed research in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cat (which includes the courtyards of the neighborhood) in order to determine if the cat is still in the area. The failure to conduct this type of research is the main cause of the failure to find cats, which often end up being absorbed into the community of stray cats.

  1. 7. YOUR CAT IS INTENTIONALLY TRANSPORTED OUT OF HIS AREA - The cat may have been removed from its territory to be intentionally or accidentally. The cases of intentional removal occur in cases where there are neighbors who hate cats, or in cases of family quarrels or disputes between ex-boyfriends. Even theft cases fall into this category, although they are less frequent.

  1. 8. The cat was transported elsewhere ACCIDENTALLY - which happens during a move to a neighbor, the cat, intrigued by the situation handled, it can be inserted in some boxes or used van for the move. In these cases, the cat could make hundreds of kilometers. Cases of accidental transport are more frequent with the "curious cat" (very friendly), more likely to jump in a vehicle to explore the unknown interior. Similar situations also captain in the cold season when cats find a car window open, you jump inside to keep warm.

THINK "NEXT"! Keep in mind that, unless it has been removed (deliberately or accidentally), your cat probably lies somewhere within a radius of 5 buildings / houses away. Cats wounded, sick or trapped are often found within their territory. Cats that I was chased by other cats or dogs, may be a bit 'more distant. While those who are may have been transported to many a chilomenti away and are usually the most difficult to recover.

Trinity Diamond Cartier

Tips - The temperament of the cat lost

The temperament of the cat lost

The temperament is the hallmark of cat flu greater distance away.
have been identified Four categories according to temperament:

  1. 1. CURIOUS CAT: It defines that a cat who is not afraid of strangers. Normally greets guests approaching and favoring the contact. The cat is curious what they will travel a greater distance. There have been cases of found around 2 km from the vanishing point.

  1. 2. CAT Heedless: not afraid of strangers but does not seem to be interested in interacting with them, often with the owner. It 's a cat on her own, away at Love, "totally independent". Because of its closure is not possible to predict whether will travel long distances or short. The research of this type of cat involve a mix of techniques that include an aggressive research in the immediate vicinity, assisted by the placement of posters high visibility in a radius of 1 km.

  1. 3. CAUTIOUS CAT: type of cat who thinks twice before getting closer. When strangers enter the house, initially hidden, and after that the situation is quiet, it comes out. in danger, find a shelter and hiding for several days. After a period can vary from 7 to 12 days, comes out in search of food and water. Disappears when a cautious cat, " we are almost certain that is very close hidden in some hole or hedge. It should then do a search aggressive at home, in the garden and in the territory of its neighbors. Research must continue to more than ten days, beyond which, if not yet been found, it will be easier to come out of hiding. It will also create useful stalking of food and water and see if they are consumed during the night.

  1. 4. CAT xenophobia And 'the cat who is afraid of everything and everyone. Always alert, it could be confused with the behavior of a stray cat (wild). It may sometimes be aggressive. When you get scared hiding immediately and could not come out for several days (it happened to find a xenophobic cat after 32 days). The time that will pass depends on the hiding place is located and the events that day after day there are around who do desist from feeling safe to go out. With this kind of cats is normally necessary to use special cages recovery.

White Bump Under My Lip Piercing On The Outside

Recovery Tips - Lost cat behavior

Lost cat behavior

studying numerous cases of lost cats has been found that not all cats behave the same way.
There are three basic categories of cats disappeared
  1. located indoor cats (cats that live exclusively at home, fled outside)
  2. outdoor-access cats lost (with regular access to outside cats that are lost)
  3. outdoor-access cats displaced (lost cats with regular outdoor access in the area is unfamiliar to them)

Indoor Cats spread

If your cat ran away from home despite never came out, then we have good news: you probably will not be lost! E 'instead likely be hiding in the area and is closer than you think!
The fundamental question to find an indoor cat that escapes outdoors is:
If your indoor cat ran away (ran away from home, fled from the surgery veterinarian, who fled due to accident, fled the camp, escaped from the kennel, etc.) get support Noas operators.

Outdoor-Access Cats Lost and Found

outdoor-access cats that are lost while being used to enter and leave the house, one day you do not return.
When an outdoor-access cat disappears, it means that something happened that did not allow him to return home. The territoriality of the cat, unlike some dogs, prevents him from moving away when he comes out of the house. That is the tactics and techniques used to search for a missing cat must be different from those used to search for a dog.
The posters used to search for the cat disappeared, do not always help you find your cat if it has taken refuge in silenzio in qualche angolo nascosto nella casa del vicino. I poster, quindi, dovrebbero essere usati solo come supporto ad una ricerca primaria che comporta un’ispezione aggressiva e dettagliata del territorio. Ciò significa che la prima cosa che devi fare è controllare ogni luogo in cui il gatto possa essersi rifugiato (cantina, armadi, divano, siepi, etc.).

Quando un gatto outdoor-access svanisce, la domanda da porsi è: CHE FINE HA FATTO IL GATTO?
Abbiamo individuato otto eventi (Categorie di probabilità) che potrebbero essere la causa della scomparsa del tuo gatto. Se il tuo gatto outdoor-access è sparito read what could be his success .

Outdoor-Access Cats spread

If your cat has regular access to the outside (outdoor-access) and from day to day is gone, you is not lost , but is hiding out of fear. In these cases, the search techniques are very different from those used in the search for lost cats. Here's how it works. A cat can be pushed into unknown territory during a flight (because of fights with other cats, dogs, etc.) which puts them at a yard or area alien to him. Occur many cases where the cats that were lost were in fact only five to six houses away, hiding in the yard of a neighbor, disoriented and unable to return home. While some cats have an extraordinary ability to use instinct to find their way home, cats do not have this ability or are too scared to use it.
Most cases of "displacement" refers to indoor cats, but any cat removed from its territory falls into this category. Some examples of outdoor cats spread are: escape from the surgery veterinarian in the area of \u200b\u200bvacation escape, escape from a vehicle after a car accident, etc..
The individual temperament of a cat can affect the distance of flight and the possibility of being approached by people. The recovery technique should therefore take into account the temperament that can vary: from cat friendly (with people) to cat xenophobic (fearful and diffident).
A cat fearful and suspicious are more likely to be hiding nearby, you will need to use special cages for recovery to be able to take it. If the cat is sociable and safe, could be moved further (even two or three kilometers), and attempts should be knocking on doors and using special high visibility posters.
To learn more about the temperament of cats read the article.

additional behavior

factor silence
When a cat is ill, injured, or panic, normally hidden in silence. It is a natural form of protection put in place the cat in these situations. You will find 'a place to hide and stay there (under a bridge, a porch, bushes, or any place that can give protection) until you will feel' safe. The factor of silence is the cause of death for many cats because the cat is hidden close to home, the owner is usually busy in a long-range research at the shelters or in the distribution of leaflets. The method usually more suitable to search for a cat is therefore a physical search in the immediate vicinity, with the knowledge that the cat could be close, but hidden in the silence.

threshold of silence
This is a very interesting pattern of behavior that can be observed in cats spread. Many of these cats that initially remain silent, they decide (probably silk) of break the silence and start meowing. Once past the threshold, the cat, if not hurt, could go home or find food and water in the area. While some cats will take only a few hours or days to reach its threshold, many others will require different (on average 10-12 days). As already mentioned the suspicion is that the threshold is reached for the physiological needs: thirst, hunger, although the study of the causes is ongoing.

Additional Resources

The temperament of an individual cat will characterize the behavior of escape. By using the same techniques used in the Criminal Profiling, Pet Detective is able to provide a complete behavioral profile to predict the type of escape of the cat. This involves conducting a lengthy interview with the owner and a series of tips on what probably happened to the cat disappeared. There are many possibilities (cat trapped, displaced, removed from the area, injured, etc.) about how a cat can get lost. As in criminal profiles, our behavioral profile is simply a system of identification of the "probability" of what happened to a particular cat based on a professional.

If your cat has disappeared and you do a complete profile of his attitude of flight, click here

Monday, March 14, 2011

Marina Maestrutti Visibile

Operative intervention

recommend reading this intervention by Gianni D'Amo, perhaps a bit 'long, but certainly an interesting digression into the history of those 150 years of Italy.
An intervention that speaks of Italy yesterday and that explains a bit 'of Italy today.

http://www.cittacomune.it/appr ofondimenti / D'Amo% 20150 °. pdf

--------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------

Piacenza, giovedì 17 marzo 2011, ore 1 7 . 30

Presso la sede in Via Borghetto 2/i

brindisi per la festa del

150 ° anniversario

dell’Unità d’Italia

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What Do Diferent Levels Of Bilirubin Mean

revolutionary knowledge

to buy at all costs, if you want to keep up with the times!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pokemon Fire Red Gpsphone Alakazam

Presentation Diary

Piacenza - Theatre Filodrammatici
Via Santa Franca 33
WEDNESDAY 'March 23, 2011, at 21

"Cittàcomune" offers the presentation of the book (Quodlibet, 2010)

D iario

1985-1993 - Photographic reproduction of the magazine full of
Piergiorgio Bellocchio and Alfonso Berardinelli

Will discuss with the authors and the present
Gianni D'Amo and Matteo Marchesini

From Quaderni Piacentini, magazine group par excellence, Diary, personal journal, from our self. "Opera series" that offers unsurpassed descriptions of Italian society in the long and unfinished transition from First to the Second Republic, Diary was entirely written and self-managed, between 1985 and 1993, by Piergiorgio Bellocchio and Alfonso Berardinelli, with the only company of great writers of the past from time to time antologizzati (according to the formula "two live and one dead), and the ambition to" purify the language of the tribe, to return to "be taken into words. " Paul Febbraro, in reviewing the photographic reproduction in full volume now offered by the publisher Quodlibet, focuses on "natural prose, crystalline powder, without appeal, which makes Diary one of the most interesting magazines in the late twentieth century, perhaps one of the small offshore we have lost "(poster, November 11, 2010). Solipsism pessimistic? "Not at all," says today Bellocchio, "among the causes of the end of Diary there was also the realization that we were not enough: things have gone ancora peggio di quel che avevamo previsto”. Operazione elitaria, rivista impolitica, dismissione di responsabilità? Al contrario: “I due autori concordano nel considerare quegli anni i più liberamente e felicemente produttivi della propria attività letteraria. Scrivendo Diario , ci siamo sentiti politicamente impegnati come mai prima”.

Piergiorgio Bellocchio ha fondato con Grazia Cherchi e diretto per circa vent’anni “Quaderni piacentini”. Ha esordito nella narrativa con I piacevoli servi (Mondadori, 1966). Dal 1985 al 1993 ha published "Diary", the only magazine written by Alfonso Berardinelli. Its production and critical essays are collected in several volumes, including: the wrong (Einaudi, 1989), Possibly (Rizzoli, 1993), The cunning of the passions (Rizzoli, 1995), Lost property (Baldini & Castoldi, 1996), Below the fray. Satires and essays (Scheiwiller Books, 2007). And president of the political culture "cittàcomune.

Alfonso Berardinelli has taught contemporary literature at the University of Venice until the resignation volunteers in 1995. He published among other things: free trade critic (Basic Books, 1983), poetry to prose (Bollati Basic Books, 1994), The hero who thinks (Einaudi, 1997), Form Assay (Marsilio, 2002 and 2008) and with HM Enzesberger, How boring poetry (Einaudi, 2006). Among his recent books: critical cases. From the postmodern mutation (Quodlibet, 2007); Poetry Poetry (Einaudi, 2008).

Gianni D'Amo teaches History and Philosophy at the high school state Codogno (Lodi). City Councillor, Piacenza, is among the leaders of the association politico-cultural cittàcomune. For Ten books. Literature and Criticism 2007-2008 (edited by A. Berardinelli, Scheiwiller Books, 2008) wrote: "The moral of saggismo Bellocchio" and "The long shadow of war. Interview with Guido Crainz.

Matteo Marchesini Yearbook critical works of poetry edited by George Manacorda (Castelvecchi). From 1999 to 2003 he managed in San Giovanni in Persiceto (Bo) a small bookstore specializing in poetry and fiction for children. In 2003 he published a book of poems, Asylum (Arezzo, Friends of Ed), in 2004 he won the Iceberg of fiction with a collection of short stories The women disappear quietly (Bologna, Pendragon, 2005). His portrait appears on the critical Piergiorgio Bellocchio n.129 de Aliens currently in bookstores.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

21st Birthday Event Help


Scrisse Henri Pradal, medico e tossicologo francese, nel suo libro “Il mercato dell’angoscia” nel 1977, oramai introvabile, almeno in lingua italiana:

“Se tutti coloro che partecipano alla marcia trionfante della civiltà industriale si trovassero, dall’oggi al domani, liberati dall’angoscia che li spinge ad agitarsi e a combattere, a scordarsi di vivere per guadagnarsi la vita o acquistarsi un po’ più di potere, è molto probabile che si assisterebbe a un fenomeno assai simile a quello che abbiamo preso per esempio, la differenza consistendo soprattutto nella generalizzazione delle conseguenze di questa rottura rules of the game. This would not be more than just a bank failure, but the disintegration of our socioeconomic system. "

wrote the philosopher, who is also French, Pierre Hadot in his "Spiritual Exercises and Ancient Philosophy":

"First philosophy appeared as a therapy designed to heal the anguish. "

The meeting planned Tuesday, March 8 at 17.30 hours at the LIBRARY HAMMERS , Via Martelli, 22R - Florence, we will address the topic talking about the greek philosopher George Gemistos Plethon .

Friday, March 4, 2011

Were To Find The Gun In Poptropica

The card 2011 and dedicated to Piero Gobetti Ada

Piero Gobetti was born in Turin in 1901. The parents run a small grocery store, the grandparents were farmers. Precocious talent, excellent studies, graduating with a thesis on the political philosophy of Alfieri. Still at high school he directed the magazine Energie Nove adjourned to give life to Liberal Revolution (1922-25), in which many young people were recognized (Carlo Levi, Giacomo Debenedetti, Ernesto Rossi, Camillo Berneri, Carlo Rosselli, Riccardo Bauer, Natalino Sapegno, Eugenio Montale, Adriano Olivetti, Lelio Basso ecc.), riscuotendo anche la stima e la solidarietà di politici e studiosi più che affermati (Salvemini e Croce, Pareto, Amendola, Einaudi, Salvatorelli, Prezzolini ecc.). Accanto alla rivista, la casa editrice, che inalbera il motto greco e alfieriano: “Che ho a che fare con gli schiavi?” Con la vocazione pedagogica, Gobetti aveva “la virtù tutta sua di attrarre gli spiriti più diversi e ottenere da loro il lavoro a cui fossero portati, traendo da ciascuno quel che poteva dare di meglio” (Mario Fubini). E ancora, un fervore organizzativo e una capacità di lavoro straordinari. From his notes, published posthumously: "I think my ideal figure of a publisher. I consoled us, the most tumultuous days of the week ... after writing 10 letters and 20 postcards, reviewed the third draft of the book or Tilgher Nitti, prepared ads for publishing the bookseller, the circular for the public, the adverts for magazines, quarreled with the proto I put a new error after 3 corrections, sent via resigned after 40 minutes of discussion, the printer who asked to increase 10 pounds per sheet, without that, the porter helped to unload the boxes of books when there are I just more waiting, the first case taken down myself to see the first samples and I just suffer the paper that is bleached in a copy, and console me that everything else is fine ... received 20 calls, 10 new faces that come with the best ... and you feel weird, peer, choose to help the young and presumptuous to immediately put on the door. " Joseph Gangale remember "who was here in Rome in the third class, rushed, disheveled, with a large suitcase loads of his books and his papers that he distributed to booksellers and placed by the newspaper." In 1923 he married Ada Prospero, known in the high school years, a faithful companion, muse, collaborator, who will continue the battle, making his house a school of anti-fascism, to the Resistance (which let you witness Diary partisan , 1956). In 1925 their son Paul.

little more than an adolescent, Gobetti had enthusiastically greeted the Russian Revolution, the works council and occupation of the Fiat (1920): "Here we are in the revolution. I follow with sympathy the efforts of the workers who build a new order. I do not feel in me the strength to follow their work, at least for now. But it seems to me to see that gradually becomes clearer, and set the biggest battle of the century. So my place will be on the side of those who are more religious and spirit of sacrifice. " Wikimedia The New Order, with policy interventions and especially as a theater critic, without divulging any concession, ie, addressing the reader as an intellectual worker. Gramsci would say of him: "Piero Gobetti was not a communist and probably never would be become, but he understood the social and historical position of the proletariat ..." He dug a trench beyond which withdrew those groups of intellectuals that most honest and sincere in 1919-20 felt that the proletariat as the ruling class would have been higher than the bourgeoisie. " Immediately understand the tactics of fascism and the near-fatal opportunistic success: "Neither Mussolini nor Vittorio Emanuele are under masters, but the Italians have a good spirit of slaves." Fascism is "the autobiography of the nation." Clearly provides that it will last, but not waiver increasingly intransigent opposition. The task is to "save the future of young generations. His anti-fascism, even before political choice, is something "innate physiologically," an 'irreducible matter of principle "of" instinct "and" dignity "and" style ". A few days after the formation of Mussolini's first government, he writes: "We have to suffer the persecutions that we are entitled to." What happens on time, with search, seizure, until the wild aggressione del settembre ‘24 (tre mesi prima un telegramma del Duce ordinava al Prefetto di Torino: “rendere nuovamente difficile vita questo insulso oppositore governo e fascismo”). Soppressa La Rivoluzione Liberale , fonda Il Baretti , d’indirizzo più letterario, a cui collaboreranno giovanissimi Leone Ginzburg e Massimo Mila. Deciso a continuare la sua attività di scrittore e editore, che gli è inibita in patria, Gobetti va esule a Parigi, dove muore il 15 febbraio 1926.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Example Of Welcome Letters

Piedmont's first families of San José de la Esquina, Santa Fe Province

Parish Our Lady of Mercy

present here the names of immigrants from Piedmont and other sources, related to each other, that in the late nineteenth century settled temporarily or permanently in San José de la Esquina, Home Department, Province of Santa Fe The data come from the parish sacramental records Our Lady of Mercy , as well as National Census 1895.

The names separated by a slash represent variants of the same name in the same family. The first is the most common.
in brackets are the surnames Piedmont linked, mixed marriages, with names from other sources, which precede them. Last


Abate, Abatedaga, Abba, Abba, Abello, Abrate, Actis, AGU, Aiassa, Aimar, Aimetta, Aimi, Airaldi, Airasca, Alasia, Alberione, Albertengo, Alberto, Alemandi, Alisiardi, Allais , Allione, Alloatti, Allora, Ambrogio, Ambrosino, Ambrose, Amprimo, Angeleri, Angelino, Anrico, Anselmi, Anselmino, Antonioni, Ardusso, Arimondi, Armani, Arminchiardi, Armitano, Arnold, Arnaudo, Arnolfo, Arrosa, Astri, Audino, Audisio, Avalle, Avalis/Avallis, Avaro, Bacino, Badino, Badoglio, Baima, Bainotti, Baldi, Ballari, Ballario, Barale, Baravalle, Barberis, Barbero, Barbieri, Barengo, Barolo, Barotti, Barra, Barrabino, Barroero, Bartolio, Bastonero, Battaglia, Battellino, Baudino, Baudracco, Beccaria, Belforte, Bello, Beltramino, Beltramo, Beltramone, Berardo, Berca, Bernocco, Berrutti, Bertaina, Bertello, Bertero, Bertini, Bertola, Bertoldo, Bertone, Bertorello, Bertrando, Berzia, Bessone, Bevione, Bianchi/Bianco, Biglia, Bigliardi, Biglione, Binello, Biolatto, Blencio, Bluma, Boai, Boario, Boccardo, Bocco, Bodini/Bodino, Bodo, Bodrero, Boetti, Boetto, Boggino/Bogino, Boggio, Boglio, Bogliotti, Boiero, Bolatti, Bolla, Bonamico, Bonardello, Bonda, Bonetto, Bonino, Bono, Bordone, Borello, Boretto, Borgatello, Borghino, Borgi, Borgogno, Borletto, Bosco, Bosio, Bossetti, Bossio, Botasso, Botto, Bovo, Brizio, Brossino, Bruera, Bruggiafreddo, Bruno, Brusa, Bues, Buffa, Bullone, Burdisso, Buri, Burzio, Busano, Bussi, Busso, Bussone, Buttiglieri, Cacciolatto, Caffa, Cafferata, Cagnolo, Caldera, Camisassa, Campagna, Camus, Canale, Candelero, Cane, Cappello, Capra, Capri, Caraglio, Cardetti, Carello, Carena, Carignano, Casagrande, Casale, Cassina, Castagna, Castagno, Castelli, Castle, Cauda, \u200b\u200bCaudera, Cavagliatto, cavalry, horse, Dinner, Ceratti, Ceresole, Cerutti, Ceson, Chiabò, Chiabrando, Chiappelli, Clairvaux, Chiaraviglio, Chiari, Chiarotti, Chiattone, Chiaverano, Church, Chiornio, Chiotti, Ciocca, Cismondi, Clement, Hill, Columba, Colombo, Comba, Cometto, Rabbit, Cornaglia, Cortese, Costamagna, Costanzo, Cotella, Cravero, Crespo, Crovetto, Cucco, Culasso, Curetti, Curletto, Dadone, Daga, Dalbello, D'Alberto, Dalmasso, Dana, Daniel, Dastru, Davicino, David, Debernardi, De Bernardis, Dolphin, Delmastro, Delsoglio, Demarchi, Demaria, Destefanis, Devalle, Devecchi, Digiovanni, Dominici, dominate, Donadio, Dondero, Donetto, Donzino, Dotto, Druetta, Durando, Duro, Dutton, Facco, Falco, Falcon, Fantino, Farina, Fassi, Fauda, \u200b\u200bFaustino, Fava, Felcaro, Feliz, Fenoglio, Ferrando, Ferrari, Ferraris, Ferrero, Ficetti, Philippi, Philippi, flower, flowers, Fontana, Formento, Cooker, Fornier, Fosco, Franco, Frossasco, Fusetto, Drums, taxes, Gabutti, Gaggero, Gaglione, Gagne, Galfre, Galletti, Galletto, Galliano, Gallo, Gamba, Gambetta, Garello, Garnero, Garnerone, Garro, Garrone, Garsin, Garza, Gasca, Gastaldi, Gaudin, Gautero, Gavino, Gazzaniga, Gazzera Gelada, Genesio, Genova, Genovese, Gerbaudo, Geuna, Gherardi, Ghione, Ghivarello, Giaccone, Jack, Giagni, Giai, Gianelli, Giani, Gianoglio, Gianre, Lily, Gillette, Gilli, Giolitto, Giordano, Giorgi, Giovannini, Giraldo, Girardi, Giraud, Giraud, Giraudo, Girotti, Giughera, Giuliani, Giuliano, Go, enjoy, Godino, Golino, Gonnella, Goria, Gosmar, Gottero, Gramaglia, Grassini, Grease, Gribben, Griff, Grosso, Guardamagna, Fault, Guastavino, Guglielmetti, Isaiah, Isoardi, Lamberti, Lanzetti, Lavagnino, Leo, Lepore, Lerda, Language, Lisa, strip, Lombardo, Lorenzatto, Lorenzo, Lovera, Madala, Maero, Magliaro, Sweaters, Slim, Manassero, Manavella, Mandrile, Manero, Manfredi, Manin, Mantelli, Maranci, Marangoni, Maranzano, Marquis, Marchetti, Marchione, Marchisio, Marchisone, Margaria, Mariatta, Marino, Marit, Martini, Martino, Martorell, Massarengo, Massimino, Mattalia, Matthew, Maurino, Mauro, Melano, corn, Mensa, Mercado, Merlo, Mass, my, Best, Milani, Milano, Mina, Minardi, Miraglia, Miroglio, Moine, Molinaro, Molineri, Monasterolo, Mondino, Monette, Monge, Morello, Morero, Moriondo, Morra, Moscow, Mosso, Motta, Mottino, Mottura, Walls, Mason, Mussa, Mussetto, Musso, Musso, Negro, Nicola, Nivelle, Nivola, Noelle, Novara, Novaretto, Oberto, Odarda, Odetta, Odetta, Oggero, Olivero, Origlia, Osella, Otero, Otta, Brass, Pagliero, Pairola, Pansa / Panza, Paoletti, Paolo, Paris, Word, Paschetta, Pace, Pastor, Peirano, Peiretti, Peirotti, Pellegrini, Pen, Pennacini, Peracchia, Perassi Perino, Perno, Perona, peroxidase, Perry, Fish, Pessani, Petitti, Pia, Piacenza, Plates, Square, Picatto, Peak, Pines, Pepin, Lace, Pochettino, Politano, Pomba, Pons, Ponsino, Ponzio, Ponzo, purple, Door, Lawn, Prevignano, Spring, First, Prina, Priotti, Priotto, Pro, prone, Pronello, Quagliotti, Anger, Rabbone, Racca, Raymond, Rainer, Rainer, Ramello Ramos, Rapalino, rasps, Ratti, Ravera, Ravetto, ravioli, King, Royal, Reinaldo, Renaud, Ribba, Ribera, Riboldino, Ribotta, Riccardi, Ricciardi, Rigazio, Rinaldi, Rinaudo, Rio, Ripa, ravine, Rivera, Rivoire, Rivoli, Robin, Rock, Rock, Romano, Rose, Red, Red, Red, Rostagno, Rovasio, Roveglia, Rua, Rubiano, Rubiolo, Ruff, Ruff, Russian, Sabena, bags, big bags, Hall, Solomon, Saluzzo, Salvagno, Salvai, Salvaterra, Salvetti, Sanmartino, Saints, Saravalli, Sartori, Scaglia, Scapino, Scarafia, Scarsella, Scavino, Scott, Seimandi, Seppa, Serena, Serra, Servette, Sibona, sign, Signorelli, Silvestre, Sola, Spada, Spertino, Spinello, Stoisa, Tabasso, Stage, Tarditi, Tavares, Tavernier, Tea, Tesio, Head, Tivano, Tomatis, Tonelli / Tonello, tons, Torello, Tower, Tower, Cake, Toscano, Tosello, Trabucco, Trinchero, Trossero, Find, Make, Turkish, Turley, Ughetti, Unia, cow, Vaggione, Vaira, Valera, Valinotto, Valle, tubs, trays, Vassallo Vaudagna, Venice, Vera, Vercellone, Vernetti, Vicar, Vico, Vighetto, Vigino, Vignette, Vignolo, Vigo, Villa, Villa, Villois, Vinai, Vinale, Viola, Viotti, Viroglio , Visconti, Zanna, Zanotto.

apellidos de personas de otras procedencias casadas with piamonteses

Tour (Giuliano), Binon (Vicar), Bonaglio (Tan), Cabrera (Sola), caiman (Lerda, Valle), Countryside (Aimar), Cenci (Peirano, Pronello), Colombia (Gaglione), Comelli (Cowhide) Dolesi (blench), Fischer (Farina), Fumagalli (Monge) Fumasoli (Airaldi) Gagliardoni (Dog) Gelada (Lerda), Gerard (Girotto), Gianni (Sartori) Gorla (Monasterolo), Guerrero (Mattalia), Intra (Abba Valinotto), Llorca (Saluzzo), Mallero (Gribben), Mangioni (Ruffa), Masson (Noelle ), Mayer (Bobb), Mazza (Marchisio), Milani (Geuna) Musuruana (Pochettino) Pagett (Shepherd), Steps (Melano), Pedroni (Vassallo), Ripert (Pellegrini), Scavoglio (Blum), Stievernard (Carignan), Shades (Mussetto) Terre (Vighetto), Theiler (Aiassa, Marchisio), Vidoret (Bruera, Marangon).