Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Replacing A Bulb On A 2002 Golf Se


What we think and say, our conversations, our feelings and emotions, "pass" without a trace, or, in some way and, without our knowledge, contribute to the reality and the situations that we face? The relatively recent developments of quantum physics suggest that the answer to this question is absolutely yes, and we also know that many of the wisdom traditions of the past were aware of the phenomenon. "

The following two tracks. The first section from "History of Philosophy" by Giovanni Reale and Dario Antiseri, the second from "The Quantum Brain" by Jeffrey Satinover.

(According to Plato there is a) perfect match between the human soul and the customs and institutions: governments and constitutions' do not come from an oak tree or a cliff ', but' the morals that you I am in the '.

A global intelligence (something that concerns the whole world) flows from the bottom up, taking its cue from interactions that is purely premises. It 's a bit like saying that the true intelligence, what drives the U.S. economy is in the hands (or heads) of the politicians in Washington, but it is scattered in the conversations that night-time truck drivers to meet autogrill , in the questions of customers and retailers in their prompt response, friendly neighbors in talks that discuss rents and mortgages.


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