Friday, February 4, 2011

Chelsea Charms Möpse

TEXTS C. ....

In his novel " 1984" George Orwell described , as long ago 1948, a society oppressed by a ruthless dictatorship-media technology.

E 'noted the success achieved by the expression "Big Brother" created by Orwell to describe the mustachioed and enigmatic despot of the novel.

But how many other "prophecies" orweliane like her other "visions" come true?

Let's see.

E 'less well known that another expression, also struck by Orwell, was used in health, psychiatrist David Cooper.

The term in question is "psicopoliziotti" .

"Psicoreato", in 1984, indicates the thinking in a manner different from that “suggerita” dal sistema. Gli “psicopoliziotti” svolgerebbero, quindi, il compito di individuare e reprimere questo tipo di reato. David Cooper, insieme a Ronald Laing, esponente della cosiddetta “antipsichiatria” , accusò (come segnala Vittorino Andreoli nel suo “Un secolo di follia” ) i colleghi della psichiatria “ortodossa” di svolgere una attività di psicopolizia, al servizio del sistema capitalistico.

Leggendo, ci imbattiamo, poi, in una, inquietante, lista degli, apparentemente innocui, strumenti che il regime utilizza per instupidire la popolazione: “giornali-spazzatura that contained only sports, current events, black, horoscopes, novelettes, films crammed with sex, and sentimental songs .

Not to mention, detailed explanation of how the impoverishment of the language being used to "restrict the maximum their scope of thought" : psicoreato eventually it will be virtually impossible.

We would, finally, to dwell briefly on the issue of the texts of " sentimental ditties" above.

We would like to suggest, for example, to pay attention to how, in the songs, is described and praised the "real" love ( "I'd die without you, without you burst," "I can not live without you more", and etc.), a description that suggests a severe form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, rather than a healthy human relationship. (See "THE BRAIN LOCK" Jeffrey Schwartz).

Similar considerations could be made on many of the concepts and beliefs that form the mythology (culture?) That is the foundation of society.

A mythology inculcated to the sound of warbling melodies and wrenching, the literary and film.


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