Tuesday, March 15, 2011

White Bump Under My Lip Piercing On The Outside

Recovery Tips - Lost cat behavior

Lost cat behavior

studying numerous cases of lost cats has been found that not all cats behave the same way.
There are three basic categories of cats disappeared
  1. located indoor cats (cats that live exclusively at home, fled outside)
  2. outdoor-access cats lost (with regular access to outside cats that are lost)
  3. outdoor-access cats displaced (lost cats with regular outdoor access in the area is unfamiliar to them)

Indoor Cats spread

If your cat ran away from home despite never came out, then we have good news: you probably will not be lost! E 'instead likely be hiding in the area and is closer than you think!
The fundamental question to find an indoor cat that escapes outdoors is:
If your indoor cat ran away (ran away from home, fled from the surgery veterinarian, who fled due to accident, fled the camp, escaped from the kennel, etc.) get support Noas operators.

Outdoor-Access Cats Lost and Found

outdoor-access cats that are lost while being used to enter and leave the house, one day you do not return.
When an outdoor-access cat disappears, it means that something happened that did not allow him to return home. The territoriality of the cat, unlike some dogs, prevents him from moving away when he comes out of the house. That is the tactics and techniques used to search for a missing cat must be different from those used to search for a dog.
The posters used to search for the cat disappeared, do not always help you find your cat if it has taken refuge in silenzio in qualche angolo nascosto nella casa del vicino. I poster, quindi, dovrebbero essere usati solo come supporto ad una ricerca primaria che comporta un’ispezione aggressiva e dettagliata del territorio. Ciò significa che la prima cosa che devi fare è controllare ogni luogo in cui il gatto possa essersi rifugiato (cantina, armadi, divano, siepi, etc.).

Quando un gatto outdoor-access svanisce, la domanda da porsi è: CHE FINE HA FATTO IL GATTO?
Abbiamo individuato otto eventi (Categorie di probabilità) che potrebbero essere la causa della scomparsa del tuo gatto. Se il tuo gatto outdoor-access è sparito read what could be his success .

Outdoor-Access Cats spread

If your cat has regular access to the outside (outdoor-access) and from day to day is gone, you is not lost , but is hiding out of fear. In these cases, the search techniques are very different from those used in the search for lost cats. Here's how it works. A cat can be pushed into unknown territory during a flight (because of fights with other cats, dogs, etc.) which puts them at a yard or area alien to him. Occur many cases where the cats that were lost were in fact only five to six houses away, hiding in the yard of a neighbor, disoriented and unable to return home. While some cats have an extraordinary ability to use instinct to find their way home, cats do not have this ability or are too scared to use it.
Most cases of "displacement" refers to indoor cats, but any cat removed from its territory falls into this category. Some examples of outdoor cats spread are: escape from the surgery veterinarian in the area of \u200b\u200bvacation escape, escape from a vehicle after a car accident, etc..
The individual temperament of a cat can affect the distance of flight and the possibility of being approached by people. The recovery technique should therefore take into account the temperament that can vary: from cat friendly (with people) to cat xenophobic (fearful and diffident).
A cat fearful and suspicious are more likely to be hiding nearby, you will need to use special cages for recovery to be able to take it. If the cat is sociable and safe, could be moved further (even two or three kilometers), and attempts should be knocking on doors and using special high visibility posters.
To learn more about the temperament of cats read the article.

additional behavior

factor silence
When a cat is ill, injured, or panic, normally hidden in silence. It is a natural form of protection put in place the cat in these situations. You will find 'a place to hide and stay there (under a bridge, a porch, bushes, or any place that can give protection) until you will feel' safe. The factor of silence is the cause of death for many cats because the cat is hidden close to home, the owner is usually busy in a long-range research at the shelters or in the distribution of leaflets. The method usually more suitable to search for a cat is therefore a physical search in the immediate vicinity, with the knowledge that the cat could be close, but hidden in the silence.

threshold of silence
This is a very interesting pattern of behavior that can be observed in cats spread. Many of these cats that initially remain silent, they decide (probably silk) of break the silence and start meowing. Once past the threshold, the cat, if not hurt, could go home or find food and water in the area. While some cats will take only a few hours or days to reach its threshold, many others will require different (on average 10-12 days). As already mentioned the suspicion is that the threshold is reached for the physiological needs: thirst, hunger, although the study of the causes is ongoing.

Additional Resources

The temperament of an individual cat will characterize the behavior of escape. By using the same techniques used in the Criminal Profiling, Pet Detective is able to provide a complete behavioral profile to predict the type of escape of the cat. This involves conducting a lengthy interview with the owner and a series of tips on what probably happened to the cat disappeared. There are many possibilities (cat trapped, displaced, removed from the area, injured, etc.) about how a cat can get lost. As in criminal profiles, our behavioral profile is simply a system of identification of the "probability" of what happened to a particular cat based on a professional.

If your cat has disappeared and you do a complete profile of his attitude of flight, click here


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