S egnaliamo this interesting text that addresses an issue overlooked: the gradual transformation of the meaning of words that brings a lost sense that the same, had originally. This is worsened by the fact that, in itself, our language, when compared, for example, ancient greek, possesses a variety of terms that can make, effectively, the range of sensations, feelings, insights, ideas we experience, with the result that there is much that remains, sadly, is lost and unexpressed.
The book cited the research done in the fifties by Bob Levy, an anthropologist and psychotherapist, the population of Tahiti where he recorded a very high suicide rate. It turned out that the Tahitians had no concept of pain beyond the physical. Prove it. Knew him. But they did not have a concept or a name to identify it. Not considered normal emotion. Levy called the deficit "ipocognizione .
An anecdote about Confucius:" One day a disciple asked Confucius: "If you rely on a king to govern a territory, according to your ideas What would you do first?. "Confucius replied:" My first duty would, of course, to rectify the names.. "Hearing this, the disciple was puzzled:" rectifying the names? And this should be your priority? E ' a joke? ". Confucius had to explain: "If the names are not correct, do not correspond to reality, the language is devoid of purpose. If the language is devoid of purpose becomes impossible to act, and therefore all human affairs are falling apart and it becomes impossible to manage and pointless. That is the first duty of a true man of Status rectify names. "
conclude by recalling that in his novel "
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