We can not and must not forget today those cries of hope and help millions of people, exterminated by a violent and bloody injury.
We want to say ENOUGH, NEVER more to such things. No one is master of his own life, no one can take the right to kill, shoot, those innocent people who raised their hands to heaven exclaimed: My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

It takes only a few images to arouse in us feelings of deep sadness but at the same time of deep sadness and desolation against the perpetrators of these massacres.
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want" .. "If I walk through the dark valley I fear no evil for thou art with me." is in this valley of darkness, dark, fictional millions of innocent people walked along the paths "barbed wire" to those avenues where
echoed the phrase "Arbeit macht frein" (work makes you free). But where was the job? But above all, where is the dignity of man?. WAS WALK , forgotten, among the many piles of shoes, or between those lifeless corpses.

Ti prego Signore, mai piĆ¹ nella storia dell'uomo si verifichino cose del genere! Il nostro grido di speranza si unisce al grido di preghiera per quei tanti uccisori. SIGNORE PERDONALI!
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