Ut unum sint-That may be one! Settimana di Preghiera per l'unità dei Cristiani
Un invito forte a seguire Cristo in modo audace e consapevole, a continuare con perseveranza sulla strada della piena unità, ricercando costantemente - sulle orme di colui che fu Apostolo tra le genti - la conversione del cuore, che esige il nostro si davanti a Dio. Lo ha rivolto ieri sera Benedetto XVI alle centinaia di fedeli riuniti nella Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls, encouraging them to be conquered by Christ, to run into him to begin a new journey:
"In fact, Conversion of St. Paul was not a passage from immorality to morality, from a mistaken belief in a correct faith: it was being conquered by the love of Christ, the renunciation of her perfection, humility was the person who starts without reservation service of Christ for others. And only in this renunciation of ourselves, in this conformity with Christ, we can be united among ourselves, to become a in Christ. E 'communion with the Risen Christ who gives us unity. "
In a world marked by every kind of division and alienation, where - he said the Pope - often dominated by the noise of the tragic violence and weapons, the prophetic power of word God, thanks to the example of St. Paul, not less, and telling us that peace, unity, communion is possible, as the prophet Ezekiel announced the unification of the tribes of Judah and Israel, using the ' symbolic image of two ships meeting in the hand of a prophet. The Church's position, the example of St. Paul that under the action of the Holy Spirit becomes a chosen instrument of preaching unity, therefore, remains that of hope, rooted - said Benedict XVI - in the will of God to transform the fracture and fragmentation in units and integrity, the hatred that causes death in love that gives life
"That must be a sign and instrument of reconciliation and peace, even on the historical level for all nations, the unity that God gives to His Church and for which we pray, and of course the fellowship in a spiritual sense of faith and charity. But we know that this unity in Christ is the leaven fellowship at the social level, relations between nations and for the whole human family. Therefore, our prayer for unity and peace is always asking to be proven by courageous gestures of reconciliation among Christians. "
Then, the Pope dwelt on the need for Christians living on Earth Santa offer first witness of unity in diversity, which should not be considered an obstacle but a wealth
"I still think the Holy Land, how important is that the faithful who live there, as well as the pilgrims who go, offer all the evidence that the diversity of rites and traditions should not be an obstacle to mutual respect and brotherly love in the legitimate diversity of traditions. We must seek unity in faith. "
Expressing the need for a future commitment to find new ways for the continuation of relations between the Churches and ecclesial communities, the Holy Father, in the words contained in the Decree Unitatis Redintegrazio, has strongly advocated that an ecumenism truth is possible only through an inner conversion. Only the combination of conversion, spiritual renewal, love for other Christians may give created a new situation in ecumenical relations:
"remains open before us the horizon of full unity. This is a
daunting task, but exciting for Christians who want to live in harmony with the Lord's prayer that all be one, so the world may believe. The Second Vatican Council has considered the holy purpose of reconciling all Christians in the unity of the Church of Christ, the one, than the forces and human qualities. "
" The same Lord who called Saul on the road to Damascus, is aimed at members of his Church - which is one and holy - and calling each by name question: why did you split? because you hurt the unity of my body? " (Homily of Pope)