the hearing Wednesday Benedict XVI BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE
St. Peter's Square Wednesday, October 10, 2007
St Hilary of Poitiers
Dear brothers and sisters,
today I would like to talk about a great Father of the Church of the West, Saint Hilary of Poitiers one of the great figures of Bishops of the fourth century. In comparison with the Arians, who considered Jesus the Son of God a creature, albeit excellent, but only creature, Hilary has devoted her entire life to defending the faith in the divinity of Jesus Christ, Son of God and God as the Father, which created it from eternity.
do not have reliable data on most of the life of Hilary. Ancient sources say he was born in Poitiers, probably around the year 310. As a wealthy family, received a solid education literature, easily recognizable in his writings. It does not seem to be raised in a Christian environment. He himself tells us of a journey in search of truth, which led him to the recognition of God as creator and God incarnate, who died to give us eternal life. Baptized about 345, was elected bishop of his hometown at around 353-354. In subsequent years, Hilary wrote his first work, the Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. It is the oldest in Latin comment that has been received to this Gospel. In 356 Hilary assists as Bishop at the Synod of Béziers in southern France, the synod of false apostles, "as he calls it, since the assembly was dominated by the bishops filoariani, who denied the divinity of Jesus Christ. These "false apostles" asked the emperor Costanzo to the banishment of the Bishop of Poitiers. So Hilary was forced to leave Gaul during the summer of 356.
Exiled to Phrygia in modern Turkey, Hilary is in contact with a religious context totally dominated by Arianism. Even there, the pastor of his concern prompted him to work tirelessly for the restoration of Church unity on the basis of true faith formulated by the Council of Nicaea. To this end he began the writing of his most important dogmatic work is known: the De Trinitate (On the Trinity). In it, Hilary exposes his own path toward knowledge of God and wants to show that Scripture clearly testifies to the divinity of the Son and its equality with the Father not only in the New Testament, but also in many pages of, where it already appears the mystery of Christ. Faced with the Arians, he insists on the truth of the names of Father and Son and develops all his Trinitarian theology, starting from the formula of baptism given to us by the Lord himself: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
The Father and the Son are of the same nature. While some passages in the New Testament might suggest that the Son is inferior to the Father, Hilary offers precise rules to avoid misleading interpretations: some texts of Scripture speak of Jesus as God, others emphasize his humanity. Some refer to him in His pre-existence with the Father, others take into consideration the state of subsidence (kenosis), his descent to death, while others, finally, we contemplate the glory of the resurrection. In the years of his exile Hilary also wrote the Book of the Synods, which reproduces and comments to his brother bishops of Gaul, the faiths of synods and other documents gathered in the East in the mid-fourth century. Still standing in opposition to radical Arians, St. Hilary shows a conciliatory tone towards those who agreed to confess that the Son was like the Father in essence, of course, trying to lead them to the full faith, according to which there is only a similarity, but true equality of the Father and the Son in divinity. Although this seems to me characteristic: the spirit of reconciliation that seeks to understand those who still have not arrived, and helps them with great theological intelligence, to achieve full faith in the true divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In 360 or 361, Hilary was finally able to return home from exile and immediately resumed his pastoral work in his Church, but the influence of his teaching is in fact extended far beyond it. A synod held at Paris in 360 or 361 incorporates the language of the Council of Nicaea. Some ancient authors think that this turn of the episcopate of Gaul anti-Arian has been largely due to the strength and the gentleness of the Bishop of Poitiers. This was precisely his gift: to combine strength in faith and meekness in interpersonal relationships. In the last years of his life he composed more treaties on the Psalms, a commentary on fifty Psalms, interpreted according to the principle of the work highlighted in the introduction: "There is no doubt that all the things that are said in the Psalms are to be understood second the proclamation of the Gospel, so that, whatever the voice with which the prophetic spirit has spoken, everything is still reported to the knowledge of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnation, passion and a kingdom, and glory and power of our resurrection " (Instructio Psalmorum 5). He sees in all this transparency Psalms the mystery of Christ and his Body the Church. On several occasions he met with St. Hilary Martin, right next to the future bishop of Tours, Poitiers founded a monastery, which still exists today. Hilary died in 367. His liturgical feast is celebrated on January 13. In 1851, Blessed Pius IX proclaimed him a Doctor of the Church.
To sum up the essence of his doctrine, I would say that Hilary is the starting point of theological reflection in his baptismal faith. In De Trinitate Hilary writes: "Jesus commanded us to baptize in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (cf. Mt 28:19), that is in the confession of the author, and begotten of the Gift. One alone is the Author of all le cose, perché uno solo è Dio Padre, dal quale tutto procede. E uno solo il Signore nostro Gesù Cristo, mediante il quale tutto fu fatto (1 Cor 8,6), e uno solo è lo Spirito (Ef 4,4), dono in tutti... In nulla potrà essere trovata mancante una pienezza così grande, in cui convergono nel Padre, nel Figlio e nello Spirito Santo l'immensità nell'Eterno, la rivelazione nell'Immagine, la gioia nel Dono» (De Trinitate 2,1). Dio Padre, essendo tutto amore, è capace di comunicare in pienezza la sua divinità al Figlio. Trovo particolarmente bella la seguente formula di sant’Ilario: "Dio non sa essere altro se non amore, non sa essere altro se non Padre. E chi ama non è invidioso, e Who's the Father is in its entirety. This name admits of no compromise, as though God is the father in some respects and in others it is "(ibid. 9.61).
Hence, the Son is fully God without any lack or diminution: "He who comes from the perfect is perfect, because who has everything, gave everything" (ibid. 2.8). Only in Christ, the Son of God and Son of man is salvation of humanity. By assuming human nature, he united to himself every man, "became the flesh of us all" (Tractatus in Psalmos 54.9) "has taken on himself the nature of all flesh, and now through it the true vine, has in itself the root of each branch "(ibid. 51.16). Precisely for this reason the path to Christ is open to all - for he has drawn all his being a man - even if personal conversion is always required: "Through the relationship with his flesh, access to Christ is open to all, provided that you stripped naked old man (cf. Eph 4:22) and inchiodino to his cross (cf. Col 2:14), provided they abandon the works of the first and be converted, to be buried with him in his baptism a view of life (cf. Col 1:12; Rom 6:4) "(p. 91.9).
Fidelity to God is a gift of his grace. Thus St. Hilary calls at the end of his treatise on the Trinity, to be able to keep true to the faith of baptism. E ' a feature of this book: the discussion turns to prayer and prayer back reflection. The whole book is a dialogue with God I would like to conclude today's catechesis with one of these prayers, which becomes also our prayer: 'Do, Lord - Hilary says so inspired - that I always keep true to what I professed in the symbol of my regeneration, where I was baptized in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That I adore you, our Father, and together with you your son, that I deserve your Holy Spirit, who proceeds from you through your only Son ... Amen "(De Trinitate 12.57).
I am pleased to welcome this morning the French-speaking pilgrims, especially the group of newspaper Pilgrim, accompanied by Cardinal Panafieu, during the one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of pilgrimages to the Holy Land organized by the Fathers Assumptionists. I also welcome pilgrims from Lyon, with their archbishop, Cardinal Barbarin and his Auxiliary Bishop Giraud, and Brazilian missionaries accompanied by Bishop Rey, Bishop of Fréjus-Toulon. I hope that, following the teachings of St. Hilary of Poitiers, you can always live in fidelity to the faith of your baptism. God bless.
I welcome all the English speaking visitors present today, including members of the Congregation of Holy Cross, participants in the Nato Defence College Senior Course, and the student groups from Scotland and Denmark May your time in Rome be one of spiritual renewal. Upon all of you I invoke God’s abundant blessings of joy and peace.
Mit Freude grüße ich alle Pilger und Besucher deutscher Sprache; unter ihnen die Seminaristen des Bistums Würzburg mit ihrem Bischof Friedhelm Hofmann, Gäste des Collegium Germanicum et Hungaricum, die jungen Musiker von der Humboldt-Universität Berlin mit ihren Gästen und Förderern, die anläßlich der Aufführung der Messe Tu es Petrus nach Rom gekommen sind, sowie die des Mariengymnasiums Schulgemeinschaft Warendorf. Liebe Freunde, der Apostel der Besuch der hier Gräber in Rom erneuere Stärke und euch im Glauben an Gott den Dreifaltigen. Dazu Schenke uns euch allen und der Herr seine Gnade.
I cordially greet the English-speaking visitors. In particular, the different groups from Spain, Mexico, Colombia and other Latin American countries. Following the teaching and example of St. Hilary of Poitiers, let us pray also for us the grace to remain ever faithful to the faith received in baptism, and witness with joy and conviction our love to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Thank you very much.
A minha saudação amiga para todos os peregrinos de língua portuguesa, nomeadamente o grupo de São Salvador da Bahia e as Irmãs de Santa Elizabete de Fortaleza: Viestes a Roma venerar as memórias dos Apóstolos e dos Mártires meditando sobre o fim glorioso do seu combate por Cristo, a fim de receberdes a mesma força do Espírito para idênticas batalhas em prol do Evangelho no meio onde o Pai do Céu vos colocou. Sobre vós, vossas famílias e comunidades, desça a minha Bênção Apostólica.
Saluto in lingua ceca:
Srdečně vítám poutníky z Dalečína a okolí! V tomto měsíci říjnu, zasvěceném svatému růženci, Vas vybízím k novému ocenění společenství s Pannou present, Teto práva prostřednictvím vznešené modlitby. K Tomu Vám žehnám rad! Chvála Kristu!
Italian Translation: Do
a cordial welcome to pilgrims Dalečín and around! In this month of October, dedicated to the Holy Rosary, I urge you to rediscover communion with the Virgin Mary, through this noble prayer. With these wishes, I gladly impart my blessing. Praised be Jesus Christ!
greet in the Croatian language:
S radošću pozdravljam sve Hrvatske hodočasnike to posebna Katedralna Zbor Đakovo iz, vjernike Katoličke Misije Hrvatske u iz mostari skupinu Švicarskoj you. Neka vas Molitva Svete Krunic jos vise u učvrsti Vjera, the nadi Ljuba. Hvaljen Isusi i Marija!
Italian translation: With joy I greet the pilgrims
Croats, particularly the choir of the Cathedral in Djakovica, the faithful of the Croatian Catholic Mission in Switzerland and the group of Mostar. The prayer of the rosary will tightens even more in faith, hope and love. Praised be Jesus and Mary!
Greeting in Polish: Witam
obecnych you Polakow. Hilary Poitiers wzywa z nas się w abyśmy umacniali wierze Ojca w Boga i Syna, the Dukes swietego. Wiara jest Lasko, to ożywia ja modlitwa the świadectwo. FOEN, ze będzie dla wszystkich nawiedzenie grobów apostolskich owocnym czasem odnawiania wiary. Niece Bóg błogosławi wam.
Italian translation:
greet the Polish here. Hilary of Poitiers invites us to strengthen our faith in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Faith is a grace, and revives the prayer and witness. I hope that the visit to the tombs of the Apostles and to all a fruitful time of renewal of faith. God bless you.
greet in Slovakian:
S láskou vitam slovenských pútnikov Spiš zo. Brata to Sestry, modlitba ruženca je modlitba SPOLOČENSTVA. Vytvárajte to posilňujte j vy s full spoločenstvo modlitby Kristom, Jeho Matkou the medzi Sebou navzájom. Matka Ružencová nech Vám v tom pomáha. S týmto želaním zo srdca žehnám vasic drahých the vas. Pochválený bud Ježiš Kristus!
Italian translation: With love
do a welcome to pilgrims from Slovakia Spiš. Brothers and sisters, praying the Rosary is a spiritual communion. Create and strengthen you also this communion of prayer with Christ and his mother and siblings. Help you in what Our Lady of the Rosary. With this wish, bless you and your loved ones. Praised be Jesus Christ!
greet in Hungarian: Isten
hozta to zarándokokat magyar, és különösen is a hercegszántói Székelyudvarhely híveket! Szeretettel köszöntelek titeket! A minap ünnepeltétek Magyarok Nagyasszonya ünnepét. AZ or közbenjárását kérve szívesen adom Ratok és családjaitokra áldásomat apostles. Dicsértessék to Krisztus Jezus!
Italian translation: Hungarian
I cordially greet the pilgrims, especially those from Hercegszántó and Székelyudvarhely. The other day you celebrated the feast of Magna Domina Hungarorum. Asking for her intercession, I impart to you and your families the apostolic blessing! Praised be Jesus Christ!
extend a cordial welcome to the Italian-speaking pilgrims. In particular I greet the Daughters of St. Joseph in those days celebrated their General Chapter. Dear sisters, following the example of your founder, Blessed Clement Marchisio, spread with renewed zeal the love for the Eucharist, the sacrament and the bond of perfect charity. I greet the representatives of the Dominican Family, so many joints in the eighth centenary of the founding of the first Dominican monastery of S. Domenico. Dear friends, I hope that this important occasion will help to instill in you a renewed spiritual fervor for a generous Christian witness. Saluto inoltre la Delegazione del Centro sportivo Italiano e dell'Associazione Calcio Ancona e li incoraggio ad operare affinché il gioco del calcio diventi sempre più strumento di educazione ai valori etici e spirituali della vita. Saluto altresì i fedeli provenienti da San Salvatore Telesino ed invoco su tutti la continua assistenza del Signore.
Saluto infine i giovani, i malati e gli sposi novelli. Domani ricorre la memoria liturgica del Beato Giovanni XXIII. La sua indimenticabile testimonianza evangelica sostenga voi, cari giovani, nell'impegno di quotidiana fedeltà a Cristo; incoraggi voi, cari ammalati, specialmente voi cari piccoli amici dell'Istituto per la cura dei tumori di Milano, a seguire pazientemente Gesù nel cammino della trial and suffering, help you, dear newlyweds, to make your family instead of the constant encounter with the Love of God and neighbor.
E 'being held in Ravenna in these days the tenth plenary session of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church as a whole, addressing the theological theme of particular ecumenical interest: "Consequences ecclesiological and canonical status of the sacramental nature of the Church - ecclesial communion, conciliarity and authority. " We ask you to join me in prayer for this important meeting will help to move towards full communion between Catholics and Orthodox, and it can be giungere presto a condividere lo stesso Calice del Signore.
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