Monday, December 21, 2009

Letter Writing To A Catholic Priest

NoidiTrevalli, the new community for a project of value

A draft value. A guarantee for the consumer.

on line village of Web 2.0 TreValli Cooperlat where people live simple and curious, loving life and all its attractions tasty. They are interested in the environment, food, culture and friendships. They love to share and chat, and choose a lifestyle of quality. In all its forms.

Do you recognize yourself? Then enter and discover the benefits you can have: we have dedicated this world to you, your ideas and your choices. It's time to make a difference!
Participate in forum and exchange views with other villagers and answer surveys to help us create a world closer to your ideals, post your recipes, make new friends and informed on local and national events. In our village you can do all this and much more.
And remember: the more active citizens will receive prizes and the opportunity to work with us.

In collaboration with Eidos, "We TreValli" is a project that aims to involve Trevalli Cooperlat all customers. The initiatives are many, first of all this community, with which you can keep informed on the latest product news, promotional events, the events and all activities of this project.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Free Call Using Modem

MarcaAnconetana online!

is now posted on the site , in its new graphics and dynamic content, with the shared goal of promoting our area.
The Association called "System Brand Tourist Anconetana" brings together 54 major players, including public and private agencies, the Province of Ancona, all united for the accomplishment of a single intent and construction of a single consciousness: to form a robust tourism product, rich and well integrated through an intimate relationship and participated in developing the area and a widespread awareness of its excellence.

The system covers the entire province (with an effective compound from 770 accommodation facilities with a total of 75,500 beds) and extends from the Apennines to the Adriatic coast, representing, in fact, a uniform and integrated framework, including geographical areas characterized by a varied and valuable supply of cultural goods (theaters, museums, art galleries), attractions and tourist resources (parks, castles, fortresses and town centers), prodotti tipici dell'agricoltura (in particolare vino, olio, carni, formaggi) e dell’artigianato locale.
Far parte di un’unica squadra deve, ed ora può con la Marca Anconetana, essere obiettivo-opportunità condiviso di promozione del nostro territorio.
La nostra Marca Anconetana è da visitare e toccare, è capace di entusiasmare noi e di emozionare così i diversi mercati.

Il progetto ha visto la collaborazione di Simne Grassi per la strategia e il copywriting, di TonidiGrigio per il webdesign e di Eidos per il web development e CMS

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kidde Smoke Alarm Hissing

Transport Service

Il nuovo sito is now online.

Marches Transport Service Cooperative is providing services in the transport sector and has over 1,200 members and more than 15,000 vehicles.

The Transport Service is a modern and flexible organization, an important point of reference for the category, allowing the same to contain costs:
- discounts on motorway tolls
Italian - IT Service Management directly from the national motorway our office, we
Blue Point - Reductions (eco bonus) on the Motorways
- Discount Mont Blanc and Frejus tunnels
- Discounts on ferries
- Facilities on rates of highways in the European Community
- Discounted prices on fuel service
- Special rates on mobile

Eidos has treated the concept and the visuals, ensuring a completely independent Transport Service management of information, from news relevant for the ' truck driver with information on domestic or foreign Highways, ferries, tunnels, insurance, fuel. by using a CMS .
Particularly innovative is the application of Web Service in cooperation with the company Autostrade in Italy, through which every member can view real-time retail spending Telepass not yet invoiced.