Tuesday 1st September next, at 17.00, there will be a ceremony of dedication of Via Giuseppe Diasco (in the former paper mill Ripa in Via Roma) to honor the 30th anniversary of the sacrifice, Brigadier of Police fell in Jesi, Bronze Medal of Valor Civil.
The City Council, by Resolution No. 71 of 15/05/2009 wanted to dedicate a street to Brigadier Diasco, following on from the City Council with Resolution No. 644 of 20/09/1979 gave him a unanimous vote, along with colleague Gino Pinned Antinori, was seriously injured in the episode, a gold medal for the "noble example of selfless devotion to duty of the sublime to the ultimate sacrifice "

" a serious act of violence happening in the city, on the night of Saturday, Sept. 1. Two police, the brigadiere Giuseppe Diaschi e l’appuntato Gino Antinori, tentano di disarmare un uomo che sta squarciando con un lungo coltello le gomme delle autoambulanze, lungo il viale della Vittoria, poco a valle dell’ospedale. L’uomo ha avuto, in passato, problemi psichiatrici. Improvvisamente, accoltella i due militi, mentre dalla mitraglietta del brigadiere partono numerosi colpi, alcuni dei quali colpiscono alle gambe lo squilibrato. L’appuntato, nonostante le gravi ferite, riesce a raggiungere il vicino Pronto soccorso; il brigadiere, invece, morirĂ poco dopo per le gravi ferite ricevute in parti vitali."
Il brigadiere Diaschi fu insigito della Medaglia di Bronzo al Valor Civile con la seguente motivazione: "Capo equipaggio Core radio, learned that an unsound mind, armed with a knife, threatening to wandering the streets, quickly tracked him down along with another soldier. In the generous intention of disarming the crowds, shaking hands was in the throes of serious danger to the many passers-by, was treacherously stabbed and, though mortally wounded, reacted with a weapon supplied managing to injure the brute and made him so innocent " .
staff Eidos joins his colleague Michael Diasco.